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    8. Aerosoft Updater and Livery Installer

      The Aerosoft Updater and Livery Installer have now been replaced by Aerosoft One. This updater is only for legacy products that do not yet support Aerosoft One and still require this tool.

    9. Flightplan Visualizer

      Flightplan Visualizer is a tool that helps you find suitable flights. Select the aircraft type, airline, and airport and you see exactly what routes real airlines fly.  No longer do you have to spend a lot of time deciding where to fly next, just follow the real aircraft!

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    • MSFS wird dich vielleicht auch nicht befriedigen, da hakt es wohl noch mehr als im XP12. Deine Abstürze müssen ja Gründe haben, hast du dir den nachfolgenden Thread mal angeschaut? Um X-Plane zu betreiben, benötigt man einige Programm-Bibliotheken. Vielleicht fehlt deinem Rechner so etwas.        
    • Hey I had the same problem - same error with actviation key - no aerosft one folder what i did is; tried the activation key (didnt work), pressed ESC and Restart. thereafter tried the activation key again and it accpted it. Hope it helps!
    • Jetzt geht Sam, nachdem ich eine Laufwerksreperatur gemacht, Sam löschen konnte und wieder neu installiert habe. Nun friert der Simulator nach einer gewissen Zeit ein und stürzt ab.    Ich glaube es wird Zeit mir einen neuen PC zuzulegen und endlich MsFs zu spielen....   Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe
    • ah ja ok, hab wahrscheinlkich nicht lange genung gewartet  
    • I made a more detailed configuration package for this so you can also disable the flowers (having only the flowers looks funny without the grass) and allowing to turn off only the new grass stuff but keep the simpler old grass (which should be much less fps heavy).   There is an instructions file include but it's basically a simple copy and paste process and it works with every scenery that has a Scenery_SDK folder.    
    • hello,   we have two new Airports from FSDG for X-Plane 12 in the Shop. Productpages:   Teruel (X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12)   Djerba (X-Plane 12 only)   Greets Heinz  
    • Hallo, von FSDG gibt es ab sofort in unserem Aerosoft Shop 2 Airports: Teruel XP (X11 und XP12) und Djerba XP12 (nur X-Plane 12)   Hier geht es zu den Produktseiten: Teruel Djerba   Gruß Heinz
    • I'm having the same issue on PC, MSFS SU15 (, PMDG 737 - erratic push back, s-turns etc. So I have just been using manual push back. However I have experienced multiple times that the tug will not release. After parking brake is set through TBP menu nothing happens - unable to plan a push back to get me back on stand nor able to move under engine power so I have to quit out of the flight - which is a pain in the ass after setting up from cold and dark.    Not seen much else reported of this but if there was any advice as to why this happens or what to avoid that would be great. A reset or kill switch in the menu would be great too - just to avoid you having to quit out of the game.    Thanks in advance.
    • Thank You so much about your excellent support!!!!    
    • Well... you can remove the cars easily at Manchester editing some file: Open file "Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester/objects/cars.str" in a text editor change "lib/cars/car_static_invar.obj" into "blank.obj" and save file Now most cars should be gone   To remove the grasses you have to edit more files depending on airport but in general it works like this: Open all *.for files in "Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester\Scenery_SDK\Vegetation\Season_Summer\GrassNew" folder with a text editor (make sure you do this for all colors/seasons you find in the scenery) In all files remove everything but the header (that is the first three lines A 800 FOREST, delete everything but these lines) Save all files   As this might be a bit of work I recommend Notepad++ to do this kind of stuff, you can do all the replacement in many files in one go using this tool.   I made a package REMOVE_GRASS so you can remove the grass without fiddling in the files. Please download the file attached and copy the folder 'GrassNew' you can find in the zip file into the scenerie's folder "Scenery_SDK/Vegetation/Season_Summer" and replace all files. Please do this for all seaon or color folders you can find there so the grass is removed in all situation. This works with all sceneries using the new grass.       🙂 REMOVE_GRASS.zip
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