Sorry to jump back on this thread but is there a way to set the other stalk up to use the wipers at all ive tried looking at copying profiles to test buttons that it shows is lit up but dosent like to work ?
I just started from 24R and must say it’s no different with photogrammetry turned off. But fun fact: flying the LUROS2A over Berlin I still recognized photogrammetry buildings. So I guess that means you need to clear your rolling cache every time you change this setting?? Will try again another day.
Every time im trying to import an flight plan from simbrief to the B777. And when I reach the part where it says "co route" I will do for an example "KONTKSAC01" and when I try to plug it in it says "Invalid entry" Anyone can help me.
Video on what I did (you can comment on that video instead of here if you want)