Good morning! yes this video helped me understand the mechanism and proceed with the repair, I saw it even before disassembling my HC bravo. My problem now is that axis 1 and 2 do not go into reverse, it does not recognize the reverse button. I did everything correctly, checked the wires that they are all connected, I also put the protective sheath on the wires. How can we proceed? Is it possible to buy the whole block of 6 new axes, with the new connections?
I await your instructions if possible
Thank you very much
To be honest, even the Malpensa Professional version for P3Dv4 was better in representing the terminal 2, especially for the mast lights (that are missing now) and for the ground markings
that is expected with the supplied default bravo lights profile of MSFS2020. A new one for MSFS2024 will be supplied with the official update to the software.
Hi @David Rosenfeldand team, I would like to report a issue with the scenery. In front of the Terminal 2, I found out that the apron lacks its ground markings (stop markings, stand numbers, red lines, etc), as you can easily compare with satelite images attached. Also, the lights are missing, which makes the apron completely dark at night. Is it possible to improve this part of the airport, which looks heavily neglected at the moment?
I'm using FS2020, so native scenery.
Can you please first check if the trim wheel is correctly sending electrical signals to the PC ?
Please check this with the Windows Peripheral utility, it should trigger inputs #22 & #23.