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Twin Otter Extended Preview (FSX,P3D)

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Just to be clear, that means X-Plane-version developement starts after the FSX-version release and that the XP-version is unlikely to be seen this year, right?

No drama, just asking ;)



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  • Aerosoft

Just to be clear, that means X-Plane-version developement starts after the FSX-version release and that the XP-version is unlikely to be seen this year, right?

No drama, just asking ;)



We have no experience with this kind of conversion so it is pretty hard to say.

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Hi Mathijs

Please, please say the new Twotters Paint Kit will be a little more user friendly? Not that the older Paint Kit was bad but it was harder to work with than most IMHO.


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Seriously high end is right. Mama mia! Are we still on track for a summer release?

Summer 2013??? If they get this finished before this summer officially ends I will buy your new Twotter ^_^

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Looks great indeed! :excellenttext_s: But...will it be hard on fps?

No - not at all.

Stefan is well known for being able to make the best looking cockpits for FSX and at the same time keep FPS very close to what You se on the default FSX aircraft.

Prove for this are aircrafts like the Hughes H-1, Catalina, Airbus X and Bronco.


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Any word on the possible RXP GPS integration as discussed earlier in this topic? That would be absolutely AWESOME. The DA20 has it so the knowledge is there, correct?

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Yes, the DA20 has it, but it's developed by another developer and only sold by Aerosoft. But still I'm sure they could easily make it and programm it if they want to.

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Yes, the DA20 has it, but it's developed by another developer and only sold by Aerosoft. But still I'm sure they could easily make it and programm it if they want to.

Right, I said the knowledge is there. I feel that Marcel would likely share what he knows about it with the DHC-6 developers.

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Hey guys,

A thought just occurred to me. If this is a new build with new code, can it be reprogrammed to fly just like the current Twotter? That is an exactly superb rendition of the real thing, down to the extreme slow flying with extreme nose-down pitch at full flaps. I've flown the real thing and I must say when I first flew the current sim model, I was blown away. Apart from the little visual imperfections, the thing was accurate in every sense of the word.

The interior sounds were that of a -27/-34 3-blade prop Twotter throttling up to full power. Exterior sounds needed work but I overlooked all of that because the thing flew BEAUTIFULLY! If there's any way you guys can incorporate the accurate flying characteristics of the current Twotter with this new one, or possibly even make it better (though I don't see how that's possible), I'm sure the FS community would appreciate it.


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Hey guys,

A thought just occurred to me. If this is a new build with new code, can it be reprogrammed to fly just like the current Twotter? That is an exactly superb rendition of the real thing, down to the extreme slow flying with extreme nose-down pitch at full flaps. I've flown the real thing and I must say when I first flew the current sim model, I was blown away. Apart from the little visual imperfections, the thing was accurate in every sense of the word.

The interior sounds were that of a -27/-34 3-blade prop Twotter throttling up to full power. Exterior sounds needed work but I overlooked all of that because the thing flew BEAUTIFULLY! If there's any way you guys can incorporate the accurate flying characteristics of the current Twotter with this new one, or possibly even make it better (though I don't see how that's possible), I'm sure the FS community would appreciate it.


The new Twin Otter is developed from scratch - nothing from the old version wil be used, maybe a few sounds.

But I´m sure that it will live up to Your expectations, also flight model wise.

Regarding the integration of the Reality XP GPS, it stands a great chance that we will make that an option, but if - then the GNS 430.


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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Regarding the integration of the Reality XP GPS, it stands a great chance that we will make that an option, but if - then the GNS 430.


Can Aerosoft somehow put some pressure on RealityXP to make their product P3D compatible? It is about the last thing withholding me from switching over to P3D.

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Regarding the integration of the Reality XP GPS, it stands a great chance that we will make that an option, but if - then the GNS 430.

That would be absolutely fine with me! In fact, I think you would be much more likely to see a 430 than a 530 in a DHC-6. I sure do hope this makes it into the finished product.

Buying it either way, however. This is my most anticipated product this year! I can't wait for a more in-depth Twotter to fly- I am so glad Aerosoft is doing this one again. If you decide to revive the Beaver project we would really be lucky!

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The Twin Otter looks fantastic! Everyone on this project has done an amazing job so far :) I can't wait to fly the rivets off it! A revived Beaver project would also be very exciting....and a turbo version would be a dream come true!

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  • Aerosoft

Want to know the level of detail that this project is done to?

The modeler Stefan Hoffman noticed in his images and drawings the rudder pedals are offset to the center line of the aircraft. So not directly in front of the seat. Now that seemed strange so he contacted the people who help us with the project. People that know the Twin Otter better then you know your bed. They came back to him and told him he was right and they never noticed.

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Eh? So the operators of the Aircraft used for modelling didnt notice the rudder pedals were slightly offset? :lol:

I guess in reality you never really pay too much attention to the exact location so long as they work.

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Eh? So the operators of the Aircraft used for modelling didnt notice the rudder pedals were slightly offset? :lol:

I guess in reality you never really pay too much attention to the exact location so long as they work.

Well, i had a photoshoot in a twotter based in Germany and i must admit, i not noticed it too.

As the yoke is also offset that way, you may sit a bit angeled toward the aircraft center line, looking more towards the nose center than directly into the flight path like on other aircraft. This is pretty special, as this is my first aircraft that is constructed like that. And because i saw that on my model, i first thought there is something wrong, but no!

Sometimes the digital representation is waking up senses!

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Hey guys,

A thought just occurred to me. If this is a new build with new code, can it be reprogrammed to fly just like the current Twotter? That is an exactly superb rendition of the real thing, down to the extreme slow flying with extreme nose-down pitch at full flaps. I've flown the real thing and I must say when I first flew the current sim model, I was blown away. Apart from the little visual imperfections, the thing was accurate in every sense of the word.

The interior sounds were that of a -27/-34 3-blade prop Twotter throttling up to full power. Exterior sounds needed work but I overlooked all of that because the thing flew BEAUTIFULLY! If there's any way you guys can incorporate the accurate flying characteristics of the current Twotter with this new one, or possibly even make it better (though I don't see how that's possible), I'm sure the FS community would appreciate it.


I've never flown a real twotter, and perhaps the largest thing I've flown thus far are light piston twins. I've always felt the old Twotter flew a little weird, especially the whole full flap behaviour, and compared to all other aircraft I've touched, both in real life and in the sim, it felt really weird. Up until now, I thought there was a problem with the flight modelling and to be fair, never really flown the plane much because of that :blush:. Seeing what you said there was actually pretty good read.

In any case, I look forward to the remake and hopefully it's as realistic as it... uh... currently is :).

Is the new Twotter going to have an altimeter with inches (of HG) on the kolesman window? That would be a nice addition I think compared to the old one.

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