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Mega Airport Dusseldorf (product released, topic closed)

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  • Verified Developer
the parking positions V61 to V74 are no pushback parking positions. Something like, imagine that aircraft rolles into the park position from left, then parked, and rolled to right back out. Leaving Parking Position straight ahead.

Can you make this effects into the AFCAD?

No, that is not possible or better to say, it is possible to link the Gates with both Taxiways, but the AI Engine will not take care about it. All tricks to make it working will not have the correct effect in EDDL or will generate a lot of other issues. The AI Engine is always using the sortest way from the Runway to the gate and from the Gate to the runway, regardless of the "normal real" operation.

For your own user Aircraft, you can use the gates as in real and taxi out without pushback.

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Sorry for bothering you again with the same question.

After releasing some pics of EDDL it's noticeable that the scenery is in an advanced stage.

So I wonder if it's already possible to say if we can expect it to be released this month.

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  • Aerosoft


Sorry for bothering you again with the same question.

After releasing some pics of EDDL it's noticeable that the scenery is in an advanced stage.

So I wonder if it's already possible to say if we can expect it to be released this month.

I am sorry the project is not on the release list at this moment. Will ask the project manager if he has any idea though.

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It would be so perfect if it would be realeased before Oct 20th, due to the VATSIM Cross the Pond and it would also be the best commercial for the team.

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Aerosoft regularly comunicate with these guys

Out of curiosity: how do you know that?

BTW If Aerosoft wants to inform simmers about any progress or release estimates, you will immediately find it here in the forums.

That blog is not Aerosoft's (or any other developer's, I would guess) way of communicating official news.

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Out of curiosity: how do you know that?

BTW If Aerosoft wants to inform simmers about any progress or release estimates, you will immediately find it here in the forums.

That blog is not Aerosoft's (or any other developer's, I would guess) way of communicating official news.

Because of this....


" If you want to buy a scenery/aircraft from a company, the BAROMETER is an indication

of its level of communication.

In our Barometer, all companies have a prouven support for their products.

The rank is just expressing the level of communication (frequency of posts) and is subjet to frequent updates.."

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Looks really great, though I prefer Cologne Bonn :bow_down2_s: . Frames are sufficient or do I have to buy a Cray Computer? And how much is monetary difference between Mega Airport Dusseldorf from Aerososft and free Scenery from Thomas Ruth? :help_s:

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  • Aerosoft


Any idea if the fs2004 version we can se the 3d grass???

Thanks and please release as soon as possible!!!!! :flame_s:

I think that will depend on the framerates. It's not impossible but with only a single core to work with FS2004 can have issues with these smaller objects. We'll have to wait until the developers deliver it.

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  • Aerosoft

Looks really great, though I prefer Cologne Bonn :bow_down2_s: . Frames are sufficient or do I have to buy a Cray Computer? And how much is monetary difference between Mega Airport Dusseldorf from Aerososft and free Scenery from Thomas Ruth? :help_s:

The product will be in the same price range as the similar airports. So between 19.95 and 24.95 Euro (inc VAT when applicable)

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  • Verified Developer

Looks really great, though I prefer Cologne Bonn :bow_down2_s: . Frames are sufficient or do I have to buy a Cray Computer?

No, when you are happy with the performance in Cologne, you will be happy in Düsseldorf too. Düsseldorf shows up with up to 50% more frames (on my PC) then in Munich and Munich X had already a good performance.

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Jesus...It's much better looking than any of FSDT so--called "FSX-only" products. Long live FS2004 anf GAP Team!!!.

I keep my fingers crossed that upcoming MAF EDDF 2013 would be FS2004-compatible also.

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My question about the 3d gras is because in Yekaterinburg fs2004 we can see a fantastic winter textures and fantastic gras. So i think that its looks very nice.

So my vote is Yes !!!

And....Release date?? Any idea? Olbia, Helsinki, Fairbanks......( FSX) released . I think is the time for a fs2004 scenery!!!! hhehehehehe



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as promised some more screenshots made today of EDDL. Work in progress.

And as usal some needed comments:

Most of you maybe know, my FS is a very tweaked FS9.

Other commercial sceneries around are installed for changing water effects, textures and landscape.

For example German Landmarks and Ultimate Terrain mixed with All Roads of Europe.

Additionally enbseries is installed for bloom effects in FS9. Of course AES is used too.

AI traffic is a collection of different sources like alpha-india-group, WorldofAI, MilitaryAIWorks, UTT and Avsim/Flightsim-Sources.

Please support these freeware artists, their contribution to add reality in our hobby and respect their rules.

The comments above are very important to understand how to reach these FS9-screenshot-results.

Please be so fair and do not simply use all or most of my webspace-links in your own forum threads.

Choose some and/or refer to this thread instead.


























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Nice work, and great level of detail. I hope it will release soon. (PS.. There is a Mega Flyin to Düsseldorf coming up at IVAO in december i think. Would be great to approach the Mega airpirt then. Would make sense... Mega Airport-->Mega Fly-In ;) )

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