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Nice X For FS9 - Anyone interested - post a reply!

global express

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I doubt it will make any difference, Matthijs seems determined not to make this for FS9, but I will add my name to the list. I do not beleive the excuses of not enough FS9 customers to justify it. The FS9 market is certainly still going strong, tell that to other FS9 supporting developers. They just don't want to because it makes them feel important and in power! What ever happened to the customer is always right?? wink.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd buy two of them (seriusly). I love to fly in France, and i already bought France 1 & 2, but they are a bit outdated (but it still are pretty nice :) scenery's). But please, make a FS9 version. Please!!!:grouprespect_s:


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
We're reading it, as I said we need about a 1000 orders and a good number of boxed distribution contracts, lol.

I've always found the "lol" a tad disrespectful, but anyway...

About boxed distribution. I'm not interested in a boxed version of anything, but if I visit a software store, I always check to see if there's anything interesting FS related. Even at big stores such as Media Markt and Saturn, here in the Benelux, there are hardly any boxed sim products. So even if I wanted to buy a boxed product, they're nowhere to be found... So I was wondering, just where are all those boxes supposed to be going? Wouldn't it be easier, especially in case of FS9 support to just not have a boxed version?

Certainly a "quick and dirty port back" to FS9 doesn't need to be boxed, nor require a thousand posts in this thread to satisfy your financial requirements.

Perhaps in this climate, Aerosoft management can cut back on their lavish bonuses. And you Mathijs, why don't you trade in the Lotus for Prius or something...


Give us Nice for FS9 already!


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Well, in Holland there is a big shop at Aalsmeer. They would have just about any boxed FS product, I suppose.

That's good for the people in Aalsmeer. But if FS9 sales are lower as have been said, is it really a work of pulling teeth for developers to port back the scenery for download?

If FSDT can create a way to do it reasonably quick, I am sure other developers with Aerosofts help could do the same...

Based on the posts here, it really looks like the produce would make at least 50 sales. @ 22 bucks download a pop is an income of $1,100... Is that not worth a week out of your time to port back the scenery to FS9 mr developer who ever you are? Hell, that's what I make in a week after taxes. Of cource, if the old Nice is still selling as much as Mathijs claims, then the backported version will fetch quite a bit more than a thousand bucks. Forget the boxes. Just offer the download and keep 100% of the profit.

Hell, i'll buy two as well....

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Yes, I'd really pay a good price for that piece of scenery. But lets face it, 1200 euros is a joke, it would never cover the cost. Porting an FSX scenery to our older platform is certainly not a question of hours, it must be several weeks at best. Otherwise they'd have released already one. Try to imagine, the developper must get some sort of royalties after the editor takes its share: hunders of hours for 1200 euros?

I am convinced a NiceX for fs9 would sell very well - not Aerosoft obviously.

Just been drooling on my laptop a minute ago while watching the FSX screenies: what I dont understand is, looking carefully at the ground textures, the scnery in fs9 would undoubtly looks as good as the FSX bits,

I take as an example the Mallorca scenery, it's stunning in FS9 as much as in FSX (for the airport area at least). The former Nice scenery is really showing its age, I dont even have it installed anylonger.

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I have removed the old Nice scenery too. It's an FS2002 scenery and look awful now compared to the rest of the sceneries I have now.

You can definitely count me in!!!

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Porting an FSX scenery to our older platform is certainly not a question of hours, it must be several weeks at best. Otherwise they'd have released already one.

I wouldn't be too quick to make that assumption. More than any other developer/distributor, Aerosoft has shown to be somewhat partial in this FS9 vs FSX debate. So even if it is easy to port back to FS9, would I, in the position of Aerosoft, do that? If I was stongly in favor of FSX...

Add to that Flight Simulator 2012 or whatever they're going to call it. The pressure to get that one right is already enormous, if they fail or even make some small mistakes, the risk is that they'll end up with not a two way split, but a three way split. A bigger nightmare than the current situation.

In my humble opinion, it doesn't cost weeks and thousands of hours, FSDT seems to do it very quickly. Just a brutal backport, everything that doesn't work in FS9, they leave out. That may results in a somewhat sober FS9 version, but it beats default scenery or any previous (FS2002) versions.

Perhaps they also need to start charging for separate platforms? No more two for the price of one. Imagine Simulation is already operating this way.

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Perhaps they also need to start charging for separate platforms? No more two for the price of one. Imagine Simulation is already operating this way.

Thank you for suggesting that. NOT. That is exactly why I buy Aerosoft products, the dual compatibility gives them very good value for money. At least 30% of the sceneries I have bought at Aerosoft (of several hundreds of euros), I wouldn't have bought if dual compatibility wasn't there.

Agreed, charge seperately for FS9. When we decide go FSX, we will just have to buy it again. Scenery makes almost twice as much.

Again, disagree. Please keep this system as it is Aerosoft, as it makes the transition to FSX a hell lot easier and cheaper.

Can't we just close this? After so long, there are still no 1000 replies saying '+1'. This is useless and makes no sense at all. Guys, accept Nice will never be FS9. Okay? Enjoy life in FS2004 without LFMN, there are so much other nice places to explore!

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