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    • ja dies ständigen Meldungen können nerven, aber ich sehe irgendwie bei XP12 nicht durcch und das Handbuch ist für mich auch keine Hilfe. Darum mal in aller Ruhe . Ich kalibriere den Joystick wobei ich da erstmal die Belegung der Knöpfe am Joystick nicht beachte. Sehe ich das richtig, nach der Kalibrierung der Steuerachsen lege ich mir ein neues Profil an zb " eigene"suche mir ein Flugzeug aus wie die Cessna 172 und weise der Cessna mein angelegtes Profil "eigene" zu ? Vielleicht hatt von euch einer einen Tip wie dass mit der Einstellung der Reaktionskurve geht, also welchen Einfluss hat das Veränder der Linie oder hinzufügn von anderen Punkten um die Linie nach links/ rechts, oben/unten zu ändern? Zu den hier angeführten Fragen gibt das Handbuch nur allgemeine und keine genaue Auskunft.   Jürgen
    • Brake and accelerator in Farming Simulator 25 with Aerosoft Truck Wheel   The game Farming Simulator 25 doesn’t (yet) include a specific driver for the Aerosoft Wheel. Therefore, some axes such as the brake pedal and the accelerator pedal aren’t detected in the game settings when actuated. This may be due to resolution or other wheel specificities.   A workaround has been found by using the generic joystick interface vJoy and the axes remapper utility UCR.   We are going create a “virtual contact” accelerator and brake by routing the Aerosoft Wheel axes to the vJoy axes. Then, in the Farming Simulator 25 controls settings, when the detection loop is started and the pedals actuated, the corresponding vJoy axes will be detected and assigned to the appropriate functions.   The system is very easy. 1 – Create a virtual joystick 2 – Use UCR to route (or remap) both the Aerosoft Wheel brake and accelerator to vJoy axes 3 – Start the detection loop in Farming Simulator 25 and move the Aerosoft Wheel pedals Let’s go step by step. STEP 1 : Download and install two small freeware : - Vjoy : https://sourceforge.net/projects/vjoystick/ - Universal Control Remapper (UCR) https://github.com/Snoothy/UCR/releases/download/v0.9.0/UCR_v0.9.0.zip STEP 2 : Create a virtual joystick with vJoy. You can setup the number of axes and buttons you want. Just make it simple and create a standard 8 axes / 32 buttons joystick. - Press Apply. - Restart your computer. STEP 3 : The newly created virtual joystick now appears in the Windows joystick utility.   STEP 4 : - Start UCR - Add a new profile   STEP 5 : 1 -  Name your profile as you want (We name it TruckWheelFarmSim25 in the example) 2 – Select the Truck Wheel as input devices 3 – Select the vJoy Stick 1 as output device Double-Click on the TruckWheelFarmSim25 profile name to open it. STEP 4 : - Add an Axis to Axis plugin (click the “+”) - When prompted, name it “Accelerate” - Select the RotationZ axis as input by pressing the accelerator pedal of the Aerosoft Wheel - Manually select the Rz axis of the vJoy Stick 1 as output.   STEP 5 : Repeat the same process as in step #4 but for the brake pedal   STEP 6 : 1 - Save the profile 2 – Start the profile   STEP 7 : In Farming Simulator 25, go to the controls settings, select Accelerate under the “VJOY – VIRTUAL JOYSTICK” entry in the upper menu and, when prompted, move the accelerator pedal. The Rz axis ov Vjoy will be assigned to the function. Repeat the same operation with the brake pedal.   You are all set !
    • Well... you guys found the issue it seems, openSAM has a limitation with these offsets and distances so from my point of view this has to be fixed in OpenSAM and is not a scenery issue - because this all works fine using the original SAM3 plugin.
    • Hello. I wanted to let you know that the VDGS at LTFM do not work when parking at gates. I have the great freeware plugin openSAM to operate all jetways and I started a post on the openSAM comments forum to inform about this issue. After some investigation, the conclusion was: "the VDGS are very far away (60+ m)  from the stand with a large offset (5+ m)" which makes it impossible for openSAM to catch the VDGS. Is this something that can be solved in any upcoming scenery update? Thanks a lot for your help and insights.
    • Hi Sandy! How Are You?  I've managed to get a fix for it. I basically joined the Windows Insider program so I could have access to the dev version. In this case I'm using build 27774, and apparently they fixed the XML error, but there is no forecast for it to become Stable. I hope this fix your issue.
    • If you only want to read positive news, this thread “Soooo......any news?” is pretty much the last place on this forum you should be in, thanks for the conversation!
    • Even if they served you the update tonight, you would be able to write some bullshit misery comment. You don't make high level add-ons for free, neither does Hans Hartman. Just be happy that something showed up now, and if you have nothing positive to add, just zip it!  
    • According to what I’ve heard (it’s just rumors), Aerosoft is not interested in continuing to develop more aircraft. They want to limit themselves, in the area of flight simulation, to airports and selling aircraft from other developers. In fact, of their 3 crown jewels, one was sold to Microsoft, the other is waiting for the update, and the last one, well, you all know what happened.   Aerosoft wants to release the CRJ update with one thing in mind: to close the CRJ cycle.
    • Hello,   this is more a question whether it's a configuration issue or a bug... I think either I have a double jetways or simply the wrong jeyway docks. Stand B28.
    • Hello there, I'm really enjoying PANC so far. Thank you for your effort But I noticed, especially when using AIG traffic, there are some issues in the airport design. I run AI companion over all AIG files I got. This is the list of airline codes operating in PANC over a week and a list of aircraft with their parkingspace required in MSFS. As I haven't got access to the airport files, I want you to change the gate types/sizes and the airline codes, to get AIG traffic work correctly. Thank you   panc.xlsx
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