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Aerosoft Airport: Brussels International (released)

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Sorry guys and girls.

Not been on a photoshoot of the new changes as quite a lot has gone on! I will get on it right away and give quite a large update with pictures.

Standby for short while, whilst i fix up a few things.

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Sorry guys and girls.

Not been on a photoshoot of the new changes as quite a lot has gone on! I will get on it right away and give quite a large update with pictures.

Standby for short while, whilst i fix up a few things.

Thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Okay so I have a little something for now

As you can see Aaron has posted previews of the volumetric grass which will be insanely dense but at different settings of course

Below is a screenshot of ConcourseA with jetways, PMDG 737NGX and mainly the corrected transparency so you can see the struts inside the terminal from outside.


Textual Update for you all:
The entire main terminal has been completely re-modelled, using more model and texture detail and much less drawcalls eye candy and performance both get a +1 for this
Remaining ground parking number markings have been added to the groundpoly and tyre markings blend out smoothely instead of a straight line
The ATC tower and surrounding buildings have been exported with full night textures

Of course, all these changes are happening to all FS9/FSX/P3D v1.4 and P3D V2.2, all natively, however, FS9 polygon limit is making it difficult to export Concourse A, it will be overcome.

Currently working on apron lighting now, nothing to show, just started as I write this, I will be back very soon with regular updates as V1.00 is close!

Regards and have a nice day

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Awesome work, it good see that things are coming together nicely.

Please don't forgot about an extensive amount of apron clutter and animations to make the airport feel more alive.
Are the jetways build with AES compatibility in mind?

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Awesome work, it good see that things are coming together nicely.

Please don't forgot about an extensive amount of apron clutter and animations to make the airport feel more alive.

Are the jetways build with AES compatibility in mind?

Yes, all the usual things like clutter will be there. They will be added just before release.

The jetways are modelled and will be compatible with AES. I will update everyone as to when the jetways have been animated using AES.

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Outstanding news! Keep going!

Now, I have seen somthing at the the airport in real life that has been added recently.
Maybe you don't know about it so I want to share this with you. It's a detail, it really is.

Well, it's situated next to runway 25L. It is used for some meteorological purposes I think? :embaressed_s:


And it looks like this


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Hi guys! Anybody here has any information(s) about where does which airline park? For the cargo area I got this information due to Google, but for the whole passenger area there is a lot missing. I just have a list of the parking positions, which airline do visit Brussels and that Pier A (=Schengen flights) and Pier B (=non-Schengen flights) are mostly used by airplanes. What about Pier C? And the whole parking area next to it? Are parking positions 512, 514, 516, 518, 520 really the DHL Cargo area (so they are only used by DHL Aviation or also by any other cargo airline?). Lots of questions and I hope that at least a few can help me on this. Any information (and if it is also as little) is really really welcome :)

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As far as I know, Pier B is used for non-Schengen flights, Pier A is used for Schengen flights but also all flights to Africa operated by Brussels Airlines. Ryanair uses stands 126-138 and I think Easyjet uses the same apron for their operations. Apron 3 north (remote stands) is used for smaller aircraft and long haul aircraft waiting for their return leg (Jetairfly 787, Ethiopian 787, United, ...) The old satellite is not used anymore but sometimes planes park there overnight or while they're waiting for a flight..

I am not an expert so please correct me if I'm wrong :-) This is what it looks like to me as I spend a lot of time spotting at BRU

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Like Robin1994 said, Pier B is used for non-Schengen flights and Pier A for Schengen flights. Gates A61 to A72 at the end of Pier A are used by Brussels Airlines for African flights in the morning. Stands 120 to 138 are used by Ryanair and Easyjet. Apron 9 is Brucargo, used only for Cargo operations and apron 5 is used by DHL only. Apron 3, 4 and 6 are remote positions used by almost all airlines during busy periods at the airport when no other gate is available upon arrival. Apron 3, like correctly mentioned by Robin1994, is also used to position long haul flights that have a long rotation time (United airlines, Hainan airlines, Thai Airways and Ethiopian).

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and apron 5 is used by DHL only

First of all thank you Augustin Dubois for your reply, but where is this apron 5? On my EuroControl charts I cannot find them. Or did you maybe mean apron 51 and just missed the "1"? Does DHL only use apron 51 or also apron 54?

For all those of you interested on the correct parking position assignement, please find here on Dropbox the list of the parking assignements as they are currently. If you have any suggestion and/or correction on this, feel free to share your knowledge so that the parking positions are (more or less) correct for release. As far as I am correct these are the current airlines flying to/from Brussels as of September/October 2014 since you will find for example Emirates listed, but they will only start flying to BRU as of 5th September 2014. (If anyone here should suspect a release date on that information, I have to disappoint you as it is really NOT the case.) Thanks again for all your help!

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Apron 5 indeed doesn't exist, so I think Augustin means apron 51, which indeed is only used by DHL. As far as I know apron 54 (and also 52 and 53) is located at the General Aviation terminal, so I suppose they are only used by GA aircraft. It's the apron where Abelag is located.

You might have a look at this file (at the end) http://www.ivao.be/sites/ivaobefiles/controller_files/Quickview%20EBBR%201306.pdf

It isn't an official document but the parking information seems to be correct

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Robin1994 amazing! For that information I sent you 1000 kisses. that was something I searched on Google like an idiot.

If anybody is interested: Here the updated parking positions. I know there are some weirdness like ETD on non-schengen but the problem is that on Pier B is not really much space for those big airplanes so I needed to make it as best as possible :) If there are any suggestions, feel free to share so that we all get the best result of BRU.

About BRU itself: I have to say that Darren did a really big job. I simply love BRU and my frame rates on my (rather little) PC are better than on other big airports. I did never imagined that flying in'n'out BRU, but honestly getting to your Sabena MD-11 and flying to VHHX is really great. Enough now of teasing. Time to go to bed :)

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This really looks amazing! Good job so far!

Just a couple of questions, maybe they have already been mentioned, but;

- will there be movable jetways, that, (yes I know it's not AES) but will be compatible with GSX..?
- will the new Jetairport, from Jetairfly be modeled?
- Recently there have been added a "brussels aiport sign" to concourse A, just a detail..

And the connector but I read it will be modeled! Great work!

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Forget about box release dates, they are simply place holders. Asking for releasedates or even estimates is useless. You'll see it when it gets released.

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Looking forward to the release!!!

Box release date is now around oktober, but guys, take your time.

I rather have an excellent release which I have to wait for, then a fast one with bugs :)

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This really looks amazing! Good job so far!

Just a couple of questions, maybe they have already been mentioned, but;

- will there be movable jetways, that, (yes I know it's not AES) but will be compatible with GSX..?

- will the new Jetairport, from Jetairfly be modeled?

- Recently there have been added a "brussels aiport sign" to concourse A, just a detail..

And the connector but I read it will be modeled! Great work!

I would like to know the answers to these questions too :)

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About the first point I am currently working on, but I have a big problem:

I cannot find any informations on configuring an airport/AFCAD/... so that it matches GSX conditions and that GSX can be used out-of-the-box. I wrote virtuali a message but until now I did not got any answer on this. Anybody here knows the answer or can point me to the correct place? This would be amazing.

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