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3 hours ago, Fizzelle said:


Thanks very much


All done but still a massive crash point coming off the taxiway on to runway 23. I have now turned back off crash detection for Madeira :(

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Have some floating houses near end of runway 23,  have followed all instructions and have put all .bgl files

off that were required when using Orbx but cannot find files that making these autogen buildings floating.

don't know if they are default of part of madeira scenery.


anybody else this issue ?


pls check.



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Sim version is P3D v3.4 , have to make some shots when home.

when taking off from 05 it is not very noticable, but when taxiien from a gate to runway 23, when entering runway for backtrack 

you can see it straight in front of you. 


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I installed today MadeiraX Evolution. In LPPS i got a Evelationproblem. The Runway is higher as the apron and Airportthings.

LPMA thems to be ok on the first look.


Using FTX Vector, ORBX etc. P3D V3.4


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I installed the scenery, version 1.01

This version fixes my problems.

ORBX does not affect it.


P3D 3.4.22 - Win10


Tip to users installing it: Check carefully if you have leftover LPMA...ALT... .bgl files in \Scenery\World\Scenery folder from older FSX sceneries. Some times if not properly uninstalled such files remain there and affect the airport scenery.

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1 hour ago, Kyprianos Biris said:

Tip to users installing it: Check carefully if you have leftover LPMA...ALT... .bgl files in \Scenery\World\Scenery folder from older FSX sceneries. Some times if not properly uninstalled such files remain there and affect the airport scenery.


In ...\FSX\scenery\World\scenery I do have AFX_LPMA_ALT.BGL and AFX_LPPS_ALT.bgl. Do they need to be removed?


I only had Aerosoft Madeira addons, the previous old version, and now Madeira X Evolution.

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First of all the airport ist great, well done, but...

It seems the mesh is the same as in the old madeira scenery, is'n it? Thats why the colours from the airport doesn't blend well with the surrounding mesh and thats also why we have exactly most of the same mesh problems as with the old madeira scenery! May i am wrong?



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  • Verified Developer

@sydney1962 What is your mesh resolution setting? It should be 1m.


@maxhades That's correct, we had only this sattelite images available for the island from Aerosoft so this is what we used. I decided to do the airport area more colorful anyway even if it doesn't match the rest 100% correct.

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2 hours ago, MK-Studios said:


@maxhades That's correct, we had only this sattelite images available for the island from Aerosoft so this is what we used. I decided to do the airport area more colorful anyway even if it doesn't match the rest 100% correct.


OK stupid question and 1 observation.


Question: are all vertices welded and polygons co-planar where necessary and unnecessary polygons (ie invisible to user or back-facing) removed? I am a 3DS Max person but have not developed for Flight Sim so this may not be necessary.


Observation: You must have known this was so buggy yet you still released it causing all sorts of problems (or you didn't test, it but I cannot believe that). It is NOT the users' job to test your products. Frankly, I am annoyed. Yes I can uninstall or ask for my money back but that's not the point. I just want a reasonable working product and if I want crash detection on, I should be able to have it! Disabling part of the flight sim is NOT a good solution. In my opinion.

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  • Verified Developer

Vertices welding is part of object optimization and back faces are not present where there aren't necessary. 


Most of problems reported here are mesh problems caused by 3RD party products that I'm not responsible for and can't solve as well as previous Madeira developers couldn't. This addon is extremely sensitive about this and even one .bgl file that's left somewhere can cause problems later. 

Still we're doing our best to support all users and most of the problems have been solved. 

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Setting is 1m , so that is not an issue, can you advise if these houses

near runway are belonging to default p3d autogen or are they part of your

scenery, when it is default is it maybe possible to advise how to switch them off

better for me no building then floating buildings in airspace.


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  • Deputy Sheriffs
vor 10 Stunden , sydney1962 sagte:

Setting is 1m , so that is not an issue, can you advise if these houses

near runway are belonging to default p3d autogen or are they part of your

scenery, when it is default is it maybe possible to advise how to switch them off

better for me no building then floating buildings in airspace.


I also had flying houses. With deactivation of my meshaddon this was solved. Do you use a meshaddon and deactivated the files for Madeira region?

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  • Deputy Sheriffs
vor 21 Stunden , MK-Studios sagte:


@maxhades That's correct, we had only this sattelite images available for the island from Aerosoft so this is what we used. I decided to do the airport area more colorful anyway even if it doesn't match the rest 100% correct.

Hi, is it possible to recolor also the satimage of the island and not only the airport area, please? Thank you.

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42 minutes ago, masterhawk said:

Hi, is it possible to recolor also the satimage of the island and not only the airport area, please? Thank you.

This may be a big job. It may be easier to recolor the airport area.

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  • Deputy Sheriffs
vor 18 Minuten, Raymond66 sagte:

This may be a big job. It may be easier to recolor the airport area.

I don't know if this would be such a big job. One image and with photoshop you can adjust the color channels, brightness etc. 

If you redraw all by hand, that would be of course a big job. 

I will try to do it with this little tool.

But I'm now in holidays, so it will take some time. Best solution would be, if @MK-Studios could do it ;)


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  • Verified Developer

Interesting thing, I need to downgrade my P3D to 3.2 and try this. ;) I decided to keep the airport area more colorful as it looks better to me, that could be changed very easy. Since we didn't have access to source data of satellite imaginary it wasn't possible to modify colors of all island .  

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  • Deputy Sheriffs
vor 33 Minuten, MK-Studios sagte:

Interesting thing, I need to downgrade my P3D to 3.2 and try this. ;) I decided to keep the airport area more colorful as it looks better to me, that could be changed very easy. Since we didn't have access to source data of satellite imaginary it wasn't possible to modify colors of all island .  

Sounds great. If the tool fails, is there a chance Aerosoft can give you the source material to edit the colors, or do you need to contact the developer of the old Madeira?

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I am getting major graphical problems with this software as above but the sea rises up in the air and there is a huge pole just before the aircraft stands. On runway 23 I disappear under the ground. On the Port Santos the runway rises out of the ground and when I take off the airport is surrounded by trenches. I bought Manchester X recently and it to had major graphical problems and I had to get something else. I am running Maderia on prepar3d 3.4 and have lots of ORBX software, I have no intention of deleting any of my files as its not my job, I bought the scenery in good faith and it does not work as intended. I therefore may or maynot buy your software in the future. I have inserted photos showing the problems. Will there be a further patch to fix these problems?.




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  • Deputy Sheriffs
vor 23 Minuten, Jock7 sagte:

I am getting major graphical problems with this software as above but the sea rises up in the air and there is a huge pole just before the aircraft stands. On runway 23 I disappear under the ground. On the Port Santos the runway rises out of the ground and when I take off the airport is surrounded by trenches. I bought Manchester X recently and it to had major graphical problems and I had to get something else. I am running Maderia on prepar3d 3.4 and have lots of ORBX software, I have no intention of deleting any of my files as its not my job, I bought the scenery in good faith and it does not work as intended. I therefore may or maynot buy your software in the future. I have inserted photos showing the problems. Will there be a further patch to fix these problems?.




Sorry, but you have to follow post #2.

you don't need to delete it, just rename bgl to inactive or whatever. That's a normal procedure, when some addons cover the same area. They are not always compatible or it is not possible to make an addon that works together with other addons. And as already in several posts mentioned, Madeira is a very special location with a floating runway above the ground. The developer had to do a lot tricks for that.

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Hi Masterhawk Have done as asked and all is well so many thanks for your speedy answer. As I've said above this is the second software which I have had problems with and will be careful in future what I purchase, will check the forums before purchase. Maderia is beautiful even better at dusk or night.

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