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Message added by Tom,

These textures are for the FSX, FSX:SE & P3D V3 Airbuses. They do not work on the newer Airbus Professional Series for P3D v4 & v5.

Airbus A320 & A321 2048px HD Virtual Cockpit

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4.5 From 20 reviews
29.89 MB File Size
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4 Screenshots

About This File

This is my 2048px Virtual Cockpit for the Aerosoft Airbus A320 & A321.


Included are high resolution textures for the pedestal, overhead, FCU, fuses (both, overhead and the back side of the flight deck) and photorealistic buttons and switches made right from photos taken on the real deal.


Additional VAS usage is at around 100-150mb in Prepar3Dv3.3.

There is no noticable impact on the performance on my or any of the beta testers computers.


Painting this took me around 150 working hours plus the countless hours of all the people who helped me with a tremendous effort.

Special thanks go out to Holgi for helping me on some parts of the floor and backwall and Frank for taking all the pictures necessary to realise a job like this!

Without you guys this would not have been possible!


This is the 2048px version of this repaint, a 4096px version will follow soon!
You will hardly notice a difference though ;)


Due to the enormous effort that went into this (over a month full time work plus countless evenings fiddling around with files and the quirks of our beloved flight simulators) I would apprechiate if you could donate a few € or $ if you like the paint!

>>Please Donate if you like this<<

(Unfortunately only a German link is possible, however just enter the amount, click login to paypal and then you'll be redirection to your language for the rest of the process :))


Installation Instructions (read this... really!)


  1. Backup the content of the folder [FSX/P3D mainfolder]\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft Airbus A320_A321 Base.
  2. Unzip the file into a temporary location.
  3. Paste the content of the folder A320A321 into [FSX/P3D mainfolder]\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft Airbus A320_A321 Base.
    Make sure the content of the three subfolders gets integrated and you should be asked to overwrite 39 files in total. Make sure to overwrite the old files, otherwise this paint will not show correctly.
  4. [Important] Delete all files including the word MAINPANEL in the texture.xxx [where xxx stands for the respective name of the livery] folders within the [FSX/P3D]\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft Airbus A32x CFM/IAE folders.
    This is important since FSX will pick files from those folders over those from the fallback folders.
    [Important] Repeat this step each time you install a new livery since liveries come with their own MAINPANEL files, which however are in the default resolution. See the limitations below.
  5. Ensure the Texture_Max_Load in your FSX.cfg/Prepar3D.cfg is set to at least 2048, better 4096.



Known limitations



  • The aircrafts registration will no longer show.
    This is unavoidable since the registration is saved in the mainpanel file which I had to alter. Thus you need to delete the mainpanel file in which the registration of the aircraft is saved.
    Please ask your repainter to supply you with a version of my mainpanel file including the registration of the aircraft.
    Painters are explicitly allowed to modify the mainpanel files supplied in this package to add the registration of the aircraft and upload them to this forums.
  • Only the dark night lighting version was possible.
    Do not use the Airbus Configurator to change between the bright and dark lighting options! These are not compatible with this repaint.



Final words:
I hope you will have as much fun flying with my repaint than I had painting it.








...you really read all the way down here here? Stop reading and go flying!


User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.


   11 of 11 members found this review helpful 11 / 11 members

good job ! but when i turn on the lights in the night situation , the texture don't work well ! how can io fix it ?

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Amazing work, no problem at all ! Thanks

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Amazing work, Thank you !!! :D

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   8 of 9 members found this review helpful 8 / 9 members

This is amazing! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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   7 of 8 members found this review helpful 7 / 8 members

Fantastic textures! Great Job! 

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Tom A320

   6 of 7 members found this review helpful 6 / 7 members

Thanks for your effort!

  • Upvote 2
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   4 of 5 members found this review helpful 4 / 5 members

Very nice textures, but It didn't work :( The calls are as the default ... don't know what to do now...

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   4 of 5 members found this review helpful 4 / 5 members

Amazing work. Must have for 4K displays!!

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   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

Great! Donation on its way ;-)

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   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

Congratulate Emanuel, is very nice thank you!



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   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

Beautiful Textures :D

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   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

Beautiful HD Cockpit. I see no performance hit on my machine, it run perfectly. Thank you so much.

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Felipe Gatica

   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

hola tengo que eliminar los archivos de la librea? es que no entendi muy bien

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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

We cannot download the texture :( why ?

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John Sullivan

   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Having spent some time downloading and installing the 2048px virtual cockpit for the short haul Airbusses, I can't say I've noticed any great improvement.  Maybe I haven't installed it correctly.

I haven't had a chance to fly the aircraft since the upgrade so I cannot say whether it has effected the performance in any way as yet. 

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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Amazing, donated for your efforts.

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