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Airbus X Extended Preview (topic closed, product released)

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They will be recalculated every few seconds. It was/is one of our hardest issues to sort out.

I fully believe that, hence my question. Good to hear that this will work.

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  • Aerosoft

I am looking for 5 new beta testers. But the list of prerequisites is high, lol.

  • An impeccable forum status
  • A Skype account (we have a 24/7 conversation channel between testers and devs)
  • A lot of free time in the next week
  • Understanding Airbus methodology
  • Be very serious and understanding that we are not looking for ideas, expansion but for testing a few loose ends.
  • Not working/testing for any other FS addon company.

You get a free copy and your name in the manual! And my eternal thanks of course. Contact me on mathijs.kok@aerosoft.com,

enough... enough stop emailing....

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And this is the life of being a beta tester for Mathijs, free drinks and beautiful sunsets and women:

Disclaimer: that might not be true in the end.


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Slow progress today, debugging is highly frustrating.

As that is going on I have pulled another function that was actually planned for much later forward. We will try to get the printer to work. It will allow you to print a performance sheet with V data etc so you get that from your own printer. Pretty cool. That's why I was asking about the ASSDT term on the main forum, it is one of the parameters on the performance sheet.


That is a nice feature. Great!

It is worth the waiting


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And this is the life of being a beta tester for Mathijs, free drinks and beautiful sunsets and women:

Disclaimer: that might not be true in the end.


I just want to fly in the sky with the Airbus X Extended so high...

Nice pic


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Guest AlitaliaAirbus


a few years after A350 and B787, riders will find themselves flipping through magazines and play with playstation, and will do everything computer without need of man ... as is the case in military aircraft.

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I fully agree, but that is a base problem of FSX, very hard to work around and when we do the animation will not follow the movement of the aircraft.

Ok thanks for reply.

It's not a big deal. Actually I don't see the side stick when I control. I watch PFD not side stick :)

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Guest AlitaliaAirbus

huh....very interesting!

i have a samsung S III, is too small or it's ok? or i con use my tablet sony, or ipad...

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We're trying our best to do so, but no promises can be made if it comes to the flyablity of the Bus. The user shall enjoy it and until he'll be able to do so we can't release. Keep in mind, we're working on this for your entertainment.

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I wondered if the autoland has been changed/refined or anything like that. The Airbus X autoland can be a but rough so I am curious it has had some treatment for the extended version.

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Guest AlitaliaAirbus
We're trying our best to do so, but no promises can be made if it comes to the flyablity of the Bus. The user shall enjoy it and until he'll be able to do so we can't release. Keep in mind, we're working on this for your entertainment.

yes, that is so obvious, but it is you, or at least mathjis who makes promises,not we?

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I'm really looking forward to the Airbus X Extended. It looks really amazing! The only worries I have is that since I own Airbus X, I can't take off with that plane because I can't even use full throttle and apparently after doing numerous Google searches I need a joystick to fly the plane. Doesn't make much sense, but I wonder if that's going to be the same for Airbus X Extended? The other problem I had with Airbus X was that a lot of times FSX would crash when trying to quit a flight or sometimes even in the middle of just doing a few things. I'm worried that Airbus X Extended will use even more CPU power. Will it be more CPU intensive?

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I'm really looking forward to the Airbus X Extended. It looks really amazing! The only worries I have is that since I own Airbus X, I can't take off with that plane because I can't even use full throttle and apparently after doing numerous Google searches I need a joystick to fly the plane. Doesn't make much sense, but I wonder if that's going to be the same for Airbus X Extended? The other problem I had with Airbus X was that a lot of times FSX would crash when trying to quit a flight or sometimes even in the middle of just doing a few things. I'm worried that Airbus X Extended will use even more CPU power. Will it be more CPU intensive?

The requirement for a throttle is on both the Airbus X and Airbus X Extended product page under "System Requirements". The reason for this is because of the way the engines are modelled. It's much more realistic to circumvent the default FSX method and create a custom method.

As for crashes on shutdown, totally fixed.

The Extended has been compared as better than the NGX, but a little more than the default FSX A321. Honestly, it is not hard on the system at all.

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The requirement for a throttle is on both the Airbus X and Airbus X Extended product page under "System Requirements". The reason for this is because of the way the engines are modelled. It's much more realistic to circumvent the default FSX method and create a custom method.

As for crashes on shutdown, totally fixed.

The Extended has been compared as better than the NGX, but a little more than the default FSX A321. Honestly, it is not hard on the system at all.

Ok, that's good to hear! I also read the first post of this thread and that also answered my question. I'm Re-installing Airbus X to try a few things out. Is there a specific joystick that works well with Airbus X, or just a joystick in general? I was thinking about getting the Thrustmaster T-16000M! Will that work?

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