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SimWings EDDM v2 - A lot of improvements


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  • MatthiasKNU changed the title to SimWings EDDM v2 - A lot of improvements
  • Aerosoft

Of course, that is possible, but that easily triples the amount of polygons and resource use. For a smallish object like this, not a problem, but that just leaves the next object that could use a few more polygons open to discussion. 


A good modeler (and this project is done by one!) will decrease the level of detail the further you get from a normal viewpoint. The image you show is a view that is simply not where an aircraft crew would ever see it. When I look at it from a closeby stand, it is not something that stands out in my opinion. If I would be the modeler, I would not add more polygons to this object. If I had some to spare, I would always use them to make a very close more detailed object.

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vor 20 Stunden schrieb Mathijs Kok:

Of course, that is possible, but that easily triples the amount of polygons and resource use. For a smallish object like this, not a problem, but that just leaves the next object that could use a few more polygons open to discussion. 


A good modeler (and this project is done by one!) will decrease the level of detail the further you get from a normal viewpoint. The image you show is a view that is simply not where an aircraft crew would ever see it. When I look at it from a closeby stand, it is not something that stands out in my opinion. If I would be the modeler, I would not add more polygons to this object. If I had some to spare, I would always use them to make a very close more detailed object.


You are absolutely right, a good scenery is also characterised by saving polygons in unimportant areas and also using LODs.
The Lufthansa logos are also directly on the stands - i.e. really in the viewing area from the cockpit, and even there you can see the corners very clearly. Therefore - yes, it really stands out. 

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However, I have to agree with Timm here:
A few more polygons definitely wouldn't have hurt - but it's simply due to the fact that the models were originally created for XP, then some polygons were (probably) removed and the whole thing was adapted to P3D.
As we all know, MSFS can handle many, many, many more polygons as P3D. Since the scenery was only transferred to MSFS, unfortunately no more adjustments were made to these models here, although MSFS would have had many more possibilities. 

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One thing I also noted in the last few days: is it not possible to have all gates available for Aerosoft VDGS? There are sometimes 3 versions of the stand but only one is available for Aerosoft VDGS.

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

As you have already been told in the German forum, it is unfortunately a limitation by the sim.

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I created a hotfix that makes the interfering trees and bushes invisible. More on FSNews24:




NO original airport files were used and nothing was changed. It is only an extension that makes the trees and bushes invisible!


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Regarding the glass front between position 215A and 214, instead of that low resolution texture you're using there presently can you please consider using glass materials like you did with the rest of the terminal? As it is now you can almost count every single pixel if you're parked right next to it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Am 10.7.2023 um 20:17 schrieb Maha:

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I created a hotfix that makes the interfering trees and bushes invisible. More on FSNews24:




NO original airport files were used and nothing was changed. It is only an extension that makes the trees and bushes invisible!


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Incredible work! 😮 :) :D 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh man, should have checked out the forum before posting myself. Many thanks for your detailed review. The gravest mistake in my regard is stand 224 and its wrong fassade. All the other points are also quite important. 


Great job! 

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Great review with some solid points. For me „It makes your toenails curl when Emirates, Condor or Air France park at Terminal 2 and Lufthansa planes at Terminal 1“ is the main point by far!

I can’t quite make out how difficult it would be to change that… MK said it would be forwarded to the developer. 


All the best

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  • 3 weeks later...


Simwings are known for paying little attention to detail. Also, there are hardly any updates for their scenery, and if there are, then they advertise a new version, where not even bugs from the first version are fixed. Unfortunately, Simwings scenerys are no longer top quality, and there are far better developers.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Am 3.7.2023 um 12:13 schrieb Aerosoft Team:

Thanks for the comments!


Honestly Aerosoft. It's really more than unfortunate how you deal with constructive feedback from the community. Someone writes very detailed what the obvious errors are in the extremely mediocre implemented EDDM Airport and you have nothing more to say about it than. Thank you. After that, there is no further comment, which suggests that you have really dealt with the content of the topics. Then you could have just written that you are not interested.

Regrettable and unfortunately does not bode well for your future products. Unfortunately, quality technology has been on the decline for quite some time. This is another indication of that.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have only been to Munich once, so don't have the detailed knowledge of the previous contributors and don't notice  all of these "errors" and find EDDM a decent base to operate from..

The thing that has been obvious to me, and I thought would be corrected in v2 along with the taxiway label change from O2 to E2, are the two strangely placed \W2/ tarmac labels either side of the 213A and B tarmac labels on W2: these need to be removed! A few seconds work??

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Hello all.


Yesterday I was briefly at MUC, and I noticed sooo many errors again... sorry.
I have now again photographed the most serious and put together here:


The south front of T2 - here you can see very nicely what doesn't fit here:

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The antennas on the T2 are also completely missing.


South Hill: What is that, please? 

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This is what it should look like:

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This was already done better in the ancient version of the German Airports Team for FS9!


The water reservoir in the north is not flat - otherwise the water would run out.

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In the south, along the road, a wall was heaped up quite a long time ago:

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The part between the two parking garages is not only glass:

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The fact that the advertising is not correct, the contrast between glass surfaces and ceiling elements at the MAC, traffic signs are missing I will overlook now.


In the northeast, some taxisigns are missing from the turnpad:

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Very serious: trees! How could I have overlooked that until now!

The whole airport is green, no desert like in the SimWings variant!
Hundreds and thousands of trees are standing around at MUC, here only a small section:

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On the approach to 08R, there is a rather prominent farm directly in front of the airport area - this was even included in the P3D variant. In the MSFS version it is even missing completely.

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Dear @Aerosoft Team, dear SimWings-Team (@autopiloth) - By now this thread has more than 4500 views - more than almost any other post in this forum. This shows that there is really interest in a good MUC.
Please, please, please - Improve MUC.
Or maybe @Jo Erlend- one of the best developers there is -  might take on MUC sometime in the future (after FRA...)? It would definitely be worth the wait.... I myself would - if it would help a little - hang for days on the fence and photograph every angle that can be seen from the outside. 

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I used to like Simwings but that has changed in MSFS. I only use them if no other airport is available, it seems they still using old tech. ( at least I think its the case ) EDDM for example is the only airport in MSFS that has a significant FPS drop in VR when the lights go on, not seeing this elsewhere. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

As an update for MUC was announced today but the changelog seems quite sparse, I wonder if any of the major mistakes shown in this thread have been solved. (I don't mean bugfixes like bushes on taxiways, that bugs are taken care of is not noteworthy)

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Dear @Aerosoft Team,


I have actually only been a silent reader here.
Nevertheless, I am very surprised that a recent update was released but almost NOTHING has been fixed/improved from this post.


How can that be?
How can Aerosoft and the SimWings team be SO indifferent to customer opinion?
I do not understand it.

Here a user takes the trouble to prove all the points of criticism with comprehensible pictures and there is not even an answer?

To be honest, I think that's an absolute no-go.
This behavior is not customer-friendly and drastically changes my opinion of SmWings!


I am honestly shocked...


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  • Verified Developer


it is as simple as that: I did not came accross this thread when checking for possible problems. Maybe cause i have only monitored the german forum part.
Will have a closer look at the issues. No need to be shocked.


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