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Might you consider an OPTION to make the ALT readout larger?


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I'm guessing it's the font size it should be to be authentic, but dang it it's just too small to read!  I so wish the control knob had the ability to display what altitude is being set as is the case w/ some planes in other sims I just don't recall if it's even possible in MSFS yet.  I love the plane dearly but this issue is kind of a chronic annoyance that could easily be changed.   Anyway, I hope you will consider this I bet I'm not alone on this minor issue/annoyance.



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On 4/22/2022 at 5:44 PM, Joe Markowski said:

You can pop the displays out into their own windows and resize them with Right Alt and Mouse Click.

Thanks Joe yes I know about that (you may have been the one who told me!) but they don't retain their resize and because changing altitude is a frequent need I hope they will consider an option (perhaps thru the EFB) to enlarge just the ALT font.   Even better would be to display the change in altitude as you're turning the knob, as a label for the knob if you know what I mean--perhaps both HDG and ALT only for this functionality.

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Options that can be considered and require no AS action.

1. Pop the display out as previously suggested.

2. Lower the HUD and read the ALT from their.

3. Use TrakIR so you can move your head in and out as in real life to better read that area of the gauge.

4. Move your virtual seat forward.  If you can't read the altitude it could be you are "sitting" too far from the panel.  A common error when someone thinks they should be able to see the entire panel with out moving their head. 


As can be seen in the attached photo, the altitude can be read with no issue.  This is my default view.  This is on a 43 inch TV.  I forgot to add that some people are using a monitor that is probably too small for what they want to accomplish.  If so, get a bigger monitor or TV

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AS could also actually make the display items scaling match the real plane, as you are not the first or only one having an issue with it. The scaling is not realistic, see a comparison here;



In the same thread Mr. Kok mentioned there were no plans to change it and I assume that has not changed, sadly.

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3 minutes ago, CRJay said:

AS could also actually make the display items scaling match the real plane, as you are not the first or only one having an issue with it. The scaling is not realistic, see a comparison here;



In the same thread Mr. Kok mentioned there were no plans to change it and I assume that has not changed, sadly.

That's too bad.  Seems like a good idea.

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I see I'm not the first person to have brought this up--and I see the developer is not open to this itsy bitsy minor change that everyone would appreciate that would take all of a few minutes to fix for everyone.  It's very sadly Aerosoft's loss because I guarantee you others would hugely appreciate this minor edit and it's often the little things like this that collectively add up to make something a truly stellar offering over something less.   Perhaps a 3rd party can do what's right and hack it to create something like this:


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Am 25.4.2022 um 22:24 schrieb NoelCP:

Perhaps a 3rd party can do what's right and hack it

bad word, we had some modding issues before. however, include me to the list of those preferring - being realistic or not - some bigger ALT numbers, on my screen I really have difficulties too to adjust the setting while scrolling on the far right and screening the numbers on the left

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On 4/25/2022 at 4:24 PM, NoelCP said:

I see I'm not the first person to have brought this up--and I see the developer is not open to this itsy bitsy minor change that everyone would appreciate that would take all of a few minutes to fix for everyone.  It's very sadly Aerosoft's loss because I guarantee you others would hugely appreciate this minor edit and it's often the little things like this that collectively add up to make something a truly stellar offering over something less.   Perhaps a 3rd party can do what's right and hack it to create something like this:


I notice the typeface is generally more readable here as well, the edges and aliasing is more crisp even without a size increase

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