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SODE issues

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That's what I have done - I wrote to Evgeny and I am not continuing this SODE 1.3 installation until I get a reply! The SODE v1.22 I have in my FSX root are tied into the same path (D:\FSX\SODE)  in both my dll.xml and exe.xml ... It makes very little  sense to me to want to install 1.3 into Program Files(x86)!! Not only that, but even if I change the path to match the dll.xml and exe.xml entries, I need to know if v1.3 will break my 1.22 reliant airports. That is the most important factor for me. 

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I'm far from a SODE expert in any sense of the word but from what I understood you can only have one version of SODE active any given time so that to me would indicate if you install and let version 1.3 of SODE be the active version within your installation any airports relying on another version of SODE will not work any more.


As for the path outside your sim that is per design if I recall correctly from what I read over at the SODE developer's site.


If I were you I would try to get in touch with the SODE developer to get the most correct answers to your questions.

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That's the correct path that my installer is suggesting. To let the addon devs install SODE was a mistake as you can see, with addons installing old versions and such. That's why I am providing my own installer to keep things clean for the future.

That's also the reason why SODE is installed outside the root folder. That is also to be compliant with P3Dv3 at the same time. SODE needs to run in all sim platforms!


This Transition phase to v1.3 is a little unsatisfactory, I know. But once all major airports are upgraded, it'll be a troublefree experience I hope.


I am also helping the devs to get their sceneries updated in the background.



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24 minutes ago, 12bPilot said:



That's the correct path that my installer is suggesting. To let the addon devs install SODE was a mistake as you can see, with addons installing old versions and such. That's why I am providing my own installer to keep things clean for the future.

That's also the reason why SODE is installed outside the root folder. That is also to be compliant with P3Dv3 at the same time. SODE needs to run in all sim platforms!


This Transition phase to v1.3 is a little unsatisfactory, I know. But once all major airports are upgraded, it'll be a troublefree experience I hope.


I am also helping the devs to get their sceneries updated in the background.



Hi Jeffrey,


That is a good reply but doesn't answer my most worrisome question - will continuing the install of SODE 1.3 into Program Files(x86) break my SODE 1.22 reliant airports? I have not heard back from Evgeny yet...so how long can I leave this installer on hold? 


The "simple" question I have is this - if I cancel SODE 1.3 now, will everything (including LOWS) work with my current SODE V1.22? 


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Worst case scenario when installing SODE v1.3 for old airports: Missing objects and/or inoperative jetways. You can however restore all missing objects by moving old folders and files to a new location. Only the jetways remain inoperative since they need to be recompiled.

E.g. I have a working EPWA under v1.3, just the jetways are not moving yet.


I have written a migration explaining all this: sode.12bpilot.ch, downloads section. I'd love to write a little tutorial here, but I want to enjoy my holidays here...

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I don't want to intrude on your much deserved holidays Jeffrey so I apologize in advance - I will be as succinct as possible. I have your PDF's opened and my head is spinning. Can't I just exit the SODE 1.3 installer (that's part of the new LOWS installer) now and put in the SODE 1.3 later with the stand alone installer you have? If I do exit it now, will LOWS still work with v1.22  where it is? This will be the least demanding scenario for my rapidly ageing brain! 

Of course - thank you for your assistance and a ditto to the above post! 



never mind - I exited the 1.3 install and will install it later on when my head is clear. Apparently LOWS will work with 1.22 according to older posts in this thread. Good luck with your ongoing flight training. 



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Sorry - I saw "Pilot training groundwork" and assumed. I was a USNavy jet jock long ago...never got to airlines though as meeting my wife in Australia changed my entire life's  path post USN days...so I just instruct aerobatics part time (I love scaring newbies)...;-) 




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that's the Path the SODE Installer suggests - as I don't like my Apps there (besides the "system tools", I installed it into a seperate path (e.g. d:/programs/12bPilot/Sode/...) - the exe.cfg and dll.cfg files point to that directory.

I think the dev wanted to get free of the FSX / FSX-SE / P3D Vx.y structures as SODE now can work with all those platforms in one installation - good thinking in my opinion.

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  • Deputy Sheriffs
29 minutes ago, data63 said:

I think the dev wanted to get free of the FSX / FSX-SE / P3D Vx.y structures as SODE now can work with all those platforms in one installation - good thinking in my opinion.

As he already stated above, simply following LMs guidelines. ;)

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42 minutes ago, mopperle said:

As he already stated above, simply following LMs guidelines. ;)

I tried but I simply cannot understand a majority of it. What is "Windows software manager"? Never heard of it. SODE 1.22 is not in "programs and features" so how am I supposed to "uninstall" something that is not there? 


I am not a programmer and I can't seem to get a clear and easy answer anywhere about this SODE mess. 


I exited the SODE 1.3 installer that came with LOWS and LOWS seems to be fine - so are all my other SODE airports using 1.22 ULLI, LIRF, UUDD, UUEE, and now LOWS. 


Sorry to come across like this but I am very troubled by this software terminology - as I said, I am not a programmer and this SODE saga should have never happened in the 1st place. I use AES and love it. It's simple and it works. 


Anyway - I went to each airport and "tested SODE dll" from the addon manager drop down and at each airport I got "SODE Connection Good" 



That's the kind of language I can understand. 



Things like this (copy and paste from the migration manual) might as well be written in Greek because i cannot understand any of it:


"1.1.1 Module Folder
Step 1: Of course, try to uninstall the old version by using the old installer or the Windows software
manager."  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As above - what is "windows software manager"? Never heard of it! 
Step 2: Check your sim platform's root folder if there is a SODE folder present. If this is the case,
you can copy-paste the 'cfg', 'sdx' and 'xml' folders to the new data folder location
( C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE). If there is a 'SODE_Samples.xml' in the 'xml' subfolder, you
may delete it. <<<<<<<<<<<<<< This all means absolutely zip to me. 
Important: It is possible that sdx/xml files containing SODE jetways copied from an old version
of SODE will not work with version 1.3! In this case, the add-on developer should update the
jetway models and the sdx/xml according to the new SDK file and provide a product update. <<<<<<<<<<And this means zip to me. 


Why does it mean 'zip" to me? Because it uses the word "possibly" . I can't live with "possibly" but I can live with clear, concise, definitely will work if you do it this way. 


I give up! 


Sorry :-) 




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  • Deputy Sheriffs
3 minutes ago, phantomflyer said:

"1.1.1 Module Folder
Step 1: Of course, try to uninstall the old version by using the old installer or the Windows software
manager."  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As above - what is "windows software manager"? Never heard of it! 
Step 2: Check your sim platform's root folder if there is a SODE folder present. If this is the case,
you can copy-paste the 'cfg', 'sdx' and 'xml' folders to the new data folder location
( C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE). If there is a 'SODE_Samples.xml' in the 'xml' subfolder, you
may delete it. <<<<<<<<<<<<<< This all means absolutely zip to me. 
Important: It is possible that sdx/xml files containing SODE jetways copied from an old version
of SODE will not work with version 1.3! In this case, the add-on developer should update the
jetway models and the sdx/xml according to the new SDK file and provide a product update. <<<<<<<<<<And this means zip to me. 


I give up! 


Sorry :-)

No problem. With Windows Software Manager I also guess Jeffrey means "Program and features" where you can uninstall software.

For the rest it is all about handling certain files manually. But in case you are not familar with stuff like that, it is better you leave everything as it is, before you mess up your FSX installation. ;)

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I hope the Post is correct in this section.


Is it possible to change or delete the combintion to open the Menue? TAB+S ist not the Problem but Shift+- is a Problem in FSX.

Sorry if i miss the answer anywere in the Forum.

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Now LOWS has no runway lights at night because I didn't allow SODE 1.3 to install - this is the price I have to pay, Of course, if I DO install SODE 1.3, LOWS runway lights will work according to Evgeny who said I MUST install SODE 1.3 for LOWS to work properly, but the "other developers will have to update there scenery to meet SODE 1.3, he closes his email with "it's not a pleasant situation" , Of course, by updating SODE to 1.3 will cost me these airports I have - ULLI, UUDD, UUEE, an LIRF because they will all suffer from missing objects. This is a crazy situation folks. 

I am truly and utterly lost and baffled by this entire SODE saga. 


I guess I will only have to fly in and out of LOWS during the day.


When you do get time Jeffrey (after your holidays) please, please post a tutorial that I can understand. 


I'd be extremely grateful and I know many others will too.



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OK I guess I'm not as stupid as I thought I was! I am using both SODE 1.3 (I installed it to the default location in Program Files (x86)) and edited my exe.xml to add the path to SODE in my FSX root location (I kept a backup of that SODE 1.22 folder). Now I have full functionality at all SODE reliant airports.  This means the runway and taxiway lights work at LOWS! (and all other older SODE airports have gates and lights)...


Can't believe I actually did it!


Anyway sorry for all the moaning and groaning. That will come when the developers of LIRF, ULLI, UUDD, UUEE, update their airports to use the SODE 1.3. I guess then I can delete the old SODE folder in FSX itself and de-register it by editing the exe.xml so I don't have 2 SODE modules running together unnecessarily. 


This is a HUGE confidence boost for me! Thanks folks. Anyone wants to know what I did, let me know and I'll be happy to help! 

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vor 48 Minuten, phantomflyer sagte:

OK I guess I'm not as stupid as I thought I was! I am using both SODE 1.3 (I installed it to the default location in Program Files (x86)) and edited my exe.xml to add the path to SODE in my FSX root location (I kept a backup of that SODE 1.22 folder). Now I have full functionality at all SODE reliant airports.  This means the runway and taxiway lights work at LOWS! (and all other older SODE airports have gates and lights)...


so you have the v1.21/22 and 1.3 paths in the dll.xml and exe.xml ?


I thought about that idea but didn't dare to do it

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Excellent outcome. I hadn't even considered running both versions of SODE in parallel. Seems obvious now that you have done it. Thanks for continuing the thread. Although the the Aerosoft sceneries may be updated soon, the DD airports may take a little longer and this might be a solution in the medium term.


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I'm a bit surprised though because as I wrote a few posts back I didn't think you could have 2 different versions of SODE running at the same time in the simulator.


Then I have a question. The known issue where you'll get micro pauses using SODE version 1.2x still exists I assume when running SODE version 1.3 in parallel?

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I think you are correct, it would only apply to those sceneries that are using SODE for jetway control and that were compiled using 1.2. I assume those that were compiled using 1.3, such as LOWS, do not suffer from the micro pauses even when running in parallel. I could be wrong though.


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I was thinking/hoping that having 1.3 installed and active in the simulator maybe with a bit of luck would "override" the issue found in version 1.2 causing the micro pauses.


I guess the best option is to wait for all products to be updated to use version 1.3 where the issue is confirmed being resolved.

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