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    • Danke für die Info. Sollte Activate Approach erst aktiviert werden wenn der vorletzte Punkt wie hier " UNSER " erreicht ist?
    • Hallo!   Leider nein. Die Airline-Codes sind für jedes Gate hinerlegt, allerdings respektiert der MSFS (egal of MSFS2020 oder MSFS2024) die nicht selten. Siehe folgendes Beispiel für Gate B13:   <TaxiwayParking displayName="B13" type="GATE_MEDIUM" lat="52.36171138084670" lon="13.50712960600580" heading="68.800003" radius="21.600000" name="GATE_B" number="13" suffix="NONE" numberMarking="FALSE" has3DMesh="TRUE" numberBiasX="0.000000" numberBiasZ="0.000000" numberHeading="0.000000" airlineCodes="EJU,EZY,EZS,EWG,EWL,AEE,EIN,BAW,BEL,LZB,CAI,CXI,FHY,ELY,FHM,ISR,KLM,KLC,LOT,PGT,QTR,SXS,TWI,TAP,TAR,THY,VOE"/>   Im MSFS2024 gibt es neuerdings auch die Zuweisung von Airlines über "Apron Control", allerdings kann hier nur eine Airline pro Gate zugewiesen werden und das funktioniert nur in der Theorie (aktuell verursacht das noch Abstürze...). Leider gab es hierzu noch keine Antwort seitens MS/Asobo auf meine Frage, wie dies umgesetzt werden kann, aber es bleibt zu hoffen, dass da was kommt: https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/apron-control-how-to-add-more-than-one-airline-per-stand-gate-ramp/12559/3   Grüße Sascha
    • But, as Aerosoft likes to remind us, it's not their plane.....   So I'm guessing no Aerosoft resources will be used in bug tracking/triaging/ticketing  
    • I've just bought and installed Glider Simulator. I am incapable of using a keyboard or joypad to control a glider in pitch, roll and yaw. I need to use an ailerons and elevator joystick, very preferably with rudder control. I am willing to use a keyboard to control flaps, spoilers, engine revs and suchlike.   My Thrustmaster HOTAS 4 joystick with rudder pedals doesn't function correctly with Gliding Simulator. Why is that and what is the solution, please?   The X52 and X56 are very expensive for just one simulator. Are there cheaper joysticks that definitely will function correctly, please?   Many thanks in anticipation.
    • Hi Team, I am having the same problem. It does it one out of two times i run it, since ver 1.1.0. I didn't have this problem with the previous version(s). Is there a way to download the previous version?   Flying on FS2020 Thanks for looking into it.  

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    • Hallo und guten Abend in die Runde,   das ist der ähnliche Anflug, den ich im FMC als Vector LBU07 programmiert habe, also im Nord-Osten und der mir ab WP VATER so große Bauchschmerzen bereitet hat. Wie ich heute auch erfahren habe, gibt es für die Landung nicht nur die STARs, die von der Flugroute zum finalen Approach leiten, und anschließend zur gewählte Landungsform, sondern auch eine Mischform, bei der der Anflug von der Flugroute bis zum final Approach in einem für die Landebahn zuständigen technischen STAR gewählt wird; in meinem Fall für die Landebahn 07 in Stuttgart also ILS07 und nur mit dem Vector LBU07. Ein weiterer STAR ist also nicht erforderlich.   Der Anflug mit der KA wurde also heute Abend erneut durchgeführt, und diesmal führte es endlich - endlich - endlich -zur erfolgreichen Landung, ohne das es zu irgendwelchen Kapriolen gekommen ist seitens King Air oder Autopilot. Vorher wurde Fly with Lua auf den neuesten Stand aktualisiert und alle Add-On-Plugins mal rausgenommen, die nicht von X-Plane 12 sind, um mal mögliche Fehlerquellen auszuschließen. Außerdem wurde ganz penibel auf die richtige Landegeschwindigkeit von ca. 120 kn geachtet, damit die Maschine nicht zu schnell oder zu langsam wurde.    Für mich bedeutet das, daß ich weitere Anflüge mit dem IFR-Verfahren testen werde (oder auch mit VOR), um mögliche Fehlerquellen einzugrenzen. Schließlich war Stuttgart EDDS nicht das erste Mal, daß die Landeanflüge allerübelst geendet haben.    Für Eure Hilfestellung und Unterstützung nochmals vielen Dank ! !   Schönen Abend /Andreas         IAC_ILS or LOC 07.pdf
    • Hi,   the CRJ update has been pushed out for another week. So it should be available next week.
    • I was just trying to answre your question. If you dont like it, leave the forum and contact Aerosoft directly via the ticketsystem on their website.
    • Meine Frage. Wenn der letzte Wegpunkt Teksi ist, kann ich dann bei Teksi Activate Approach aktivieren oder soll der erst bei UNSER erfolgen?   Die Strecke von TEKSI nach  DS512 ist eine RNAV Transition, dann eindrehen nach UNSER, und dann kannst du Approach aktivieren.
    • Hallo, die neue Just Flight - PA-28-161 Warrior II XP12 (nur für X-Plane 12) ist ab sofort bei uns im Aerosoft Shop verfügbar. Produktseite   the new Just Flight - PA-28-161 Warrior II XP12 is available with our Aerosoft Shop now (for X-Plane 12 only). Productpage             AIRCRAFT FEATURES (JustFlight Infos): Model Accurately modelled PA-28-161 Warrior II, built using real-world aircraft plans Numerous animations, including multi-animation passenger door that, when open, responds to G-forces and air resistance, baggage door, cockpit window, sun visors, oil cover and optional wheel fairings Ground equipment including chocks and tie-downs 8K textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity PBR (Physically Based Rendering) materials with real-time environment reflections for superb quality and realism completely reworked for X-Plane 12 Detailed normal mapping for down-to-the-rivet precision of aircraft features X-Plane 12 native rain effects Cockpit A truly 3D virtual cockpit right down to accurately modelled seat belts and screw heads - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations Brand-new blue cockpit fabric based on a recently refurbished aircraft Tablet EFB with a selection of apps (see below) Fully functional and comprehensive IFR-capable avionics fit including: KMA 20 audio selector unit Fully Featured X-Plane-native GNS530 (supports procedures out of the box, and supports Navigraph and Aerosoft custom nav databases) KX 175B COM 2 / NAV 2 radio KN 62 DME unit which can display information from NAV 1 or NAV 2 Century 21 autopilot with lateral hold modes (HDG, NAV, APR, REV) – hidden autopilot altitude hold system included for convenience KT 76A transponder unit KR 85 ADF unit Support for RealityXP GTN750 (sold separately, Windows only) Yoke-mounted flight timer/clock GoodWay compatible Ability to change barometric units from inHg to MB in altimeter adjustment Pop-up autopilot window Animated toe brakes Functional throttle quadrant tensioning system Radio knob animations routed through plug-in logic, for optimum movement fidelity and sound synchronisation Tablet EFB The EFB includes a selection of apps providing useful tools and customisation options: Aircraft Options - open/close the aircraft’s doors, enable/disable glass reflection, enable/disable ground equipment and more! Weight & Balance - adjust the aircraft’s weight and balance using the built-in configuration app and centre of gravity table Instrument Options - choose to have the cockpit avionics visible in the 3D cockpit or have them pop out on 2D panels Static Liveries - change aircraft liveries without exiting to the main menu Dynamic Liveries - customise the aircraft’s paint scheme without leaving the aircraft. Features Modern and a Classic liveries whose colours can be fully customised in the aircraft, without the need for any complicated paint kits Engine Configuration - view the condition of the engines and enable enhanced simulation options such as spark plug fouling and vapour lock DynaFeel - adjust the force required to move each of the control surfaces Checklists - interactable checklists for every stage of flight AviTab support And much more! Aircraft systems Custom-coded fuel system, including the option of automatic fuel tank switching for use on those long-distance cross-country flights (this option is remembered for future flights) Custom-coded electrical system with functional circuit breakers, avionics power circuit and emergency bus controls. Circuit breaker logic is linked to X-Plane's internal failure logic, so if the plane is set to fail a certain electrical component after a certain number of hours, the circuit breaker for that element will pop out Realistic landing gear with slow/fast tyre rotation animation (blurry when rotating fast), precise shock absorber animation and wheel chocks and tie-downs Functioning carburettor and primer controls Dedicated interactive EFB page displaying values such as fuel tank weights and imbalance, fuel pressure, oil pressure, oil temperature, battery charge (with quick charge option) and information about spark plug fouling and vapour lock condition Simulated vapour lock condition, with warning pop-up and suggested actions Simulated spark plug fouling condition, with indication of percentage of fouling Lighting system includes separate lighting control for gauges (via rheostat) and realistic implementation of navigation light / radio light rheostat Functional electric trim control on yoke (requires electric trim button to be pushed) Custom external light logic with custom strobe light pattern and custom light halos for added realism Liveries The Warrior II is supplied in the following six paint schemes: EC-IOS (Spain) G-BNOH (UK) G-BUIF (UK) HN-PNL (Switzerland) N3572M (USA) VH-PZN (Australia) OTHER FEATURES Realistic and accurate flight dynamics based on real-world performance and handling data, and input from Warrior pilots, completely reworked for X-Plane 12 Brand-new authentic sound set, generated using X-Plane's state-of-the-art FMOD sound system Custom sounds for switches, doors, warnings and more, featuring accurate location placement of sounds in the stereo spectrum, 3D audio effects, atmospheric effects, adaptive Doppler, exterior sounds spill in when window or door(s) are opened, different sound characteristics depending on viewing angle etc. Comprehensive manual with panel guide and performance data Option to launch X-Plane's weight and balance manager window from the custom EFB   Greets Heinz
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