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    • Hello   The mentioned airport from FSDesigns is now available for X-Plane 12 in our store. For owners of the X-Plane 11 version there is an upgrade price if the airport was purchased from us (Upgrade Service). The airport can only be used with X-Plane 12.   Productpage         Greets Heinz
    • Hallo   Der genannte Airport von FSDesigns ist ab sofort für X-Plane 12 in unserem Shop verfügbar. Für Besitzer der X-Plane 11 Version gibt es einen Upgrade Preis wenn der Airport bei uns gekauft wurde (Upgrade Service). Der Airport ist nur unter X-Plane 12 verwendbar.   Produktseite             Gruß Heinz
    • Ich kaufe nichts mehr im Marktplatz, auf Updates wartet man dort Monate !!
    • Ich weiß, das ist schon alles wieder 'ne Weile her, aber ich finde nach wie vor weder über Aerosoft One noch über Contrail ein Update auf eine neue Version. Die Versionshistorie auf der Shopseite nennt Version 1.1.0 als die letzte, die Produktbeschreibung die 1.1.1.  

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        Gibt's da Neuigkeiten?   Danke!  
    • All depends on what you need. I don't need all the Navigraph services and I far prefer LIDO charts, so it's a no brainer for me, you see, towards NDP charts.
    • FlightSim Studios - Airfield Ganderkesee (MSFS) https://links.aerosoft.com/ganderkesee   Also new this week in the Aerosoft Shop: France VFR - South-West VFR Airports MSFS MM Simulations - EYVI - Vilnius International Airport MSFS Just Flight - PA-28R Arrow III XP12 FSDesigns - KPNS - Pensacola International Airport V2 XP12  

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      Octavi IFR-1 : Setup with Xplane default C172 with GNS-530 and GNS-430 This tutorial will show how to setup the Octavi IFR-1 to interface with default Xplane aircraft. We will use the default C172 Skyhawk (Float) with GNS-530 and GNS-430 avionics.   NOTE : The Octavi IFR-1 is basically intended to be used with MobiFlight as it will so unleash its full capacity. As mentioned on the Octavi website : “ MobiFlight is a free open-source tool that lets you choose which of Octavi's buttons controls which function freely. Due to the large community  behind MobiFlight, configurations for many custom aircraft are easily available.  

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      For a full system description, links and instructions, please check the Octavi website.   However, if you don’t want to program any button and don’t use (complex) addons, there is a small plugin that will link the Octavi IFR-1 buttons to the default Xplane functions. This is what we are going to demonstrate in this tutorial. STEP 1 : Download the plug-in from  www.octavi.net/ifr-1 The required software comes as a .zip file containing a single folder Octavi: This folder contains two files, win.xpl and hidapi.dll. STEP 2 : Unzip the folder into X-Plane’s plugin folder X-Plane’s plugin folder is found at [X-Plane Dir.]\Resources\plugins\ . The result should look like this:

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      STEP 3 : Connect the Octavi IFR-1 to the computer via the supplied USB-C cable BEFORE starting Xplane   STEP 4 : Start Xplane  and load the Cessna 172 Skyhawk (Float) STEP 5 : The base system is first to select what instrumentation you want to operate. Press one of the Context buttons (3) and depending on the nature of the instrument selected, change its frequency (1), switch from STDBY to ACTIVE (2), navigate in the menu systems (4) (5) or change the autopilot parameters (5)

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          You are all set !    
    • Because we believe this topic has been answered we have closed it. If you have any more questions feel free to open a new topic.
    • I've spent the last few days clearing out everything in the community folder and did in this process, find several corrupted files, all of no particular type. I had hoped this might be a last-ditch winner for me but it was not to be. Everything reloaded, confirmed that the ambitious pilots freeware pushback has been completely removed. And reloaded everything again for a second attempt. I only tried the Fenix aircraft and the problem still persists. I can however after several attempts manage a pushback at 1 Kt speed, and no more. A small step forward I guess but still awaiting your magic dust Tom to sort this out, cheers one and all
    • Kein Problem, ich hatte eigentlich mit keiner Antwort gerechnet, aber trotzdem nett und vielen Dank für deine Rückmeldung.   Es ist halt immer begeisternd, wie du deine Filme gestaltest, das Schneiden der Szenen und die vielfältigen Informationen zur Technik und der Gegend, es macht schon Spaß da zuzuschauen. Ich freue mich auf deine weiteren Abenteuer.   Gruß Horst
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