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    • By the way  Aerosoft, is Hans your only developer?  Ever think about hiring another one?  I'm not a software publisher, but I suspect your model of releasing updates every 2-3 years is not going to pan out in the long run.
    • Any vitriol is towards Aeroslop is self induced.  There is currently NO other MSFS developer so out of touch with and despised by their customers.  Were it not for selling other developers goods, these clowns would already be out of business.  Release half baked products, refuse to fix them, ignore their customers or belittle them for criticizing. FSS should fit right in here, probably no coincidence Aerosoft is peddling their stuff. 
    • Crickets.  Aerosoft doesn't give a sh*t about their users.  They got your cash man, mine too.  Then they basically said F these folks and left us all high and dry.  The silence for the past two years says all we need to know.  
    • The only thing obvious to me is that I’ve made a mistake engaging with you, time I could have spent more productively. I wish you a pleasant day.
    • and here we go with the obvious again; Aerosoft is much more than an aircraft-addon-developer.
    • Yet they are still selling the product and in fact costs more then Navigraph ......Navdata pro charts one month €9.97.. Add the actual nav data €10.57 which adds up to €20.54 a month ... ...vs Navigraph for just €9.05 a month.. for that you get both charts and navdata plus all the extra features on top … it's a no-brainer I'm afraid, Navdata pro is too overpriced for what you get … Plus, no updates or new features in years ... yes i prefer the look of the Navdata charts but cannot justify paying over 20 euros a month when i can get a far better deal with the Navigraph data and charts for much less plus Navigraph are pushing out regular updates and new features .
    • Typical Aerosoft response=No response.  Not sure what happened to this company.  Back in the day they had so many offerings and had a vibrant community. At one time, Aerosoft was talking about developing an entirely new flight sim from the ground up, now they are a truly despised has been and rely on selling other developers buggy junk, totally ignoring their own customers.  I doubt anyone with influence at AS even reads these forums but in the slight chance they do, NEWSFLASH:  You abandoned your CRJ and everyone that purchased it.  You abandoned the Twin Otter and everyone who purchased it. You are how far behind on the A330?   Why would anyone give you their money after your company seemingly fell apart and went to complete sh*t after the release of MSFS?  Your excuse for the CRJ is and has been Hans this and Hans that.  You are a business dependent on sales.  If Hans is not interested or doesn't have time, FIND SOMEONE ELSE.  The " Hans is working on an update in his spare time and it will be released eventually" is BULLSHIT and is getting you nowhere.  No one, I mean no one believes a word you say.  Why don't you just come clean with the community and tell us the truth?  
    • In in prepard 3d v4 when I am in VR with the 737/800 from Aerosoft this comes out, any solution?
    • Hi, it is not working for me either. In the case of the Fenix 320 and for programmed pushback procedures, once I click into connect the truck, the pushback truck will connect to the aircraft, it will lift the nose wheel and then it will stay there for ages and nothing happens so I cannot push the start pushback. Very strange!!
    • Clearly not *that* obvious to you, because you’re the one that said they’ve released “several products”, whereas I’m saying “No they haven’t, if you discount sceneries and published stuff”. They’ve released exactly 0 planes since the Twotter, planes that they’ve made themselves, under the Aerosoft label.    But anyway, let’s not let this devolve into another typical vitriolic Aerosoft forum thread.
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