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    • From the conversation here it sounds like they will also give it to Microsoft on Tuesday but that they cannot say when it will be available because it takes some time for them to upload it to marketplace etc.  

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    • Cool. Thanks. Any chance you can get a formal scene shot citing Xbox inclusion as well?  I know someone above cited Raphael but no official image 
    • I've attached as screenshot. It's from the "chat-flight-en" topic on the Aerosoft channel

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    • I'm in discord, that comment is not loading for me.   can you copy and paste it here?
    • hope so that would be great 
    • Are you still planning on doing a native 2024 version with 2024 features or has that changed? Thanks.
    • Hi,   The driver available only drives the lights for the default aircraft. The controls assignments depend on the plane in use as well as your own preferences. As the Honeycomb controls are just like any other controls (joystick, yoke, throttle, etc.) from an electrical standpoint, each axis and button needs to be manually assigned to the desired function in the games.   As for the MSFS2024 controls setup, please see this tutorial :   
    • Du hast vermutlich die AddOn-Scenery "Ostfriesland XP" installiert, die ich leider nicht verwende. Wahrscheinlich bringt "Ostfriesland XP" ein eigenes Network mit, das dann mit anderen, bzw. den Standard- Regeln erzeugt worden ist. Ohne AddOn-Scenery wird die "narrow_gauge"-Bahnlinie auf Langeoog per "X-World_Europe-8-expnetwork" eingleisig dargestellt und wenn dann nur von Schienenbussen befahren. Ich habe in vielen meiner AddOn-Scneries enthaltenes network, auch forests inkl. aller Exclusions entfernt und lasse 8-expnetwork, 7-expforests dafür voll zur Geltung kommen. In Hinblick network hat das auch den Vorteil, dass weniger "Trennstellen" vorkommen.   Leider zeigt sich auf den autofreien Inseln ein Nachteil meiner Modifikationen: Die Straßen von Langeoog sind in OSM als "residential" erfasst. Dieser Straßentyp ist ausdrücklich für den PKW-Verkehr freigegeben und wird dann natürlich auch für X-Plane entsprechend umgesetzt, aber gegenüber dem Standard-network mit verstärktem Fahrzeugaufkommen auf diesen Straßen.
    • There is a comment on the aerosoft discord from a member of aerosoft staff saying the release date is planned to be Tuesday https://discord.com/channels/1024582293563641916/1151809525914009621/1351833417255223326
    • I am new to the forum and new to Honeycomb hardware. I have the Honeycomb Yoke, Throttle, and Pedals. I have MS Flight Simulator 2024. I typically fly single and twin prop and twin engine jets. The problem I am having is I can not get the all the switches, throttle levers, flap lever, and spoiler levers to work correctly. At this point I feel I have the control assignments so screwed up I am not even sure how to start over. Couple questions: 1) How can I "factory default" all the controls for all planes in MSFS2024? 2) Is there a good tutorial to understand how to make control assignments in MSFS2024, I have yet to find a good one? 3) Are there any profiles I can download and import into MSFS2024 that will setup the Honeycomb hardware in MSFS2024 for the various aircrafts?   Much thanks,   -bfcma
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