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Aerosoft Airport: Brussels International (released)

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  • Verified Developer
2 hours ago, jenstt said:

It's been quite some time without any substantial update now.. Is progress being made or has the project run into trouble again?


The developing is going very well.

We will update you with new and fresh stuff soon.



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To give the devs an update. The DHL building is developing well, just like the old terminal. If you need more pictures I can ask for them in our FB spotting group! 

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On 14-3-2016 at 10:13 AM, krivadesign said:

It may be a bit pedantic, but it's actually runway 01 these days, not 02.

And in a few years, 25R might/will actually become RWY 24, dependant on variation changes.


Actually the official charts and procedures got updated last month. 25R now officially has a QFU of 244 and 25L a QFU of 249. The SIDs, approaches and go arounds have all been modified to reflect the latest change. Also their namings were modified, f.e. SOPOK7C became SOPOK8C. Don't know when or if they will change the runway names soon though. To my liking changing them  into runway 24 and 25 would be too confusing .



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And sorry for those 3 messages behind each other, but the satellite images of Brussels Airport are updated on Google Maps i've seen. May be useful? You can clearly see the green surface at the line up 25R, the connector and the new asphalt layer on 25L which is lighter than before. You can also see they started working at the DHL building at the north side of the airport and new buildings at the cargo area. Also nice is that the airport and the surroundings are in 3D, you can see that via Google Earth.

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14 hours ago, keukenrol said:

And sorry for those 3 messages behind each other, but the satellite images of Brussels Airport are updated on Google Maps i've seen. May be useful? You can clearly see the green surface at the line up 25R, the connector and the new asphalt layer on 25L which is lighter than before. You can also see they started working at the DHL building at the north side of the airport and new buildings at the cargo area. Also nice is that the airport and the surroundings are in 3D, you can see that via Google Earth.


Even Rackham is visible at the gates :)

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Question for the developer: Will the AFCAD be made to support crosswind runways configurations? I believe on most days the standard configuration is 25L/R for landing and 25R for takeoff, but when the winds are out of the North/East I believe the configuration calls for landing on runway 1, and takeoffs on 7L/R. Will this be done in the stock version? I'm asking because I am terrible at doing this myself, but I love seeing it.

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1 hour ago, gohabsgo said:

Question for the developer: Will the AFCAD be made to support crosswind runways configurations? I believe on most days the standard configuration is 25L/R for landing and 25R for takeoff, but when the winds are out of the North/East I believe the configuration calls for landing on runway 1, and takeoffs on 7L/R. Will this be done in the stock version? I'm asking because I am terrible at doing this myself, but I love seeing it.

Yeah due to wind this morning rwy 1 was used for landing and 7 for take off. I like when rwy 1 is in used coz the plane passed just over my head when I'm at work in this area ^^ (Kraainem for the people who knows)

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Maybe they destroyed our national airport and the subway in Brussels, but they are never going to destroy our way of living and thoughts....


It was a very sad day today and I was privileged that I could help some of the victims in the hospital where I work!


Sorry for this off-topic post...

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I think your post is perfectly appropriate on this day and hats off to you, your service to the victims, your city and your country!


I also think that it's a comforting thought that the terrorists might have destroyed parts of the airport today - but that in the planned add-on, Brussels Airport will shine in its old glory, and soon it will shine in its old glory also in real life again. So this is actually a powerful sign towards the terrorists, that they truly cannot destroy us, our way of living and thoughts - and also not the way how we spend our free time.

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Very sad day. Hits very close to home as I have flown to and from EBBR dozens of times in my life. My mother was on her way to the airport this morning when the news broke; had the blast happened a few hours later, who knows. It hits close to home to think that his can happen at home.  


But that won't change the fact that I will continue to fly through BRU again and again, and love it every time. I will love the view out the left side of the window of the beautiful city on approach to runway 1. I will love flying through the airport in P3D with this scenery. And I will always love the advertisements that greet you in the arrivals hall of Terminal B:


Welcome to Belgium, the heart of Europe.

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Gentlemen, the situation with a very inappropriate post in this thread is being dealt with. Please refrain from any further discussion about this.


Thank you.

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Another video that shows a typical RWY01 landing at EBBR: 

 I hope the airport will become active soon, but it will take months before they can operate normally...

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I hope the airport will become active soon, but it will take months before they can operate normally...


Not sure they will ever operate "normally" again.  i live in NYC...and I was here during the attacks on 9/11...and I can tell you that it changes the way you live and operate forever.  You learn to adopt a new normal.  But things are never the same...how can it be?


On a separate note, the scenery in your video looks incredible!!!  The airport looks so life-like....and I love the surrounding textures and autogen.  Tell me...are you using FTX Global?  :hahaha_s:

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Yes, Here in Belgium we have developed our own new flight simulator software, where scenery is like real life scenery ;)


Indeed, it will never be normal again at EBBR, if they learn out of their mistakes, the terminal will not freely accessible anymore.

Only people who have to be there, will be allowed... and screened...


A pity for some of us, including me, I love the atmosphere of an airport and went over there just for seeing the travellers, check-ins, visiting 'Wingtips' and having a drink while watching the tarmac movements. (but now with the new connector the visibility had decreased)

But I think, in the end, it will be the best for all...

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Let's wait and see, I still have some doubts whether they will be able to keep the additional security checks permanently. In the end, this would shift the threat of further terrorist attacks only to another location outside or inside the terminal, there will always be a place where the public area ends and the secured area begins. Besides, it would delay all other operations at the airport permanently. Rome, Frankfurt, Vienna and all the other airports where bombs exploded in the 1970s or 1980s didn't introduce additional permanent security checks either, if I'm informed correctly. And nevertheless, such attacks never occurred there again. So I think one shouldn't get too anxious about the future.


That said, I don't want to take this discussion off topic any further. The most important thing in terms of the Aerosoft scenery is that Brussels Airport won't have any significant changes to its terminal due to the necessary renovations - and that someday in the future, we will see it shine in its old glory again, both in flight simulators and the real world.

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On 14-3-2016 at 7:53 PM, razgo said:


The developing is going very well.

We will update you with new and fresh stuff soon.



Hope the new and fresh stuff comes soon! Been waiting for too long now for a new version :( it hurts my eyes everytime I look at the runway 02/20 instead of 01/19 and the planes parking in the sattelite area and absence of connector :( 

I hope everything is working out well and if possible once the airport starts operating completely as before (presumably before summer) we can start operating it's virtual counterpart too! :) (for now only 20% of airport capacity will be used which will be raised gradually till summer)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry, but there's really no use to those kind of posts.

It's not like the developer would have forgotten they were working on a new version of BRU, only to wake up and start development again because somebody asked about it on some forum.

Give them time, they'll provide updates when they feel it is opportune to do so.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Verified Developer



I think it's good time to show some "real" progress, focusing on the main terminals.

All the images are really default and simple renders- not manipulated and missing the render and effect of the graphic engine of P3D/FSX.

Like the wind of Aerosoft- feeling comfort to share with you the developing progress.

Really soon the 3d work will be done and all this stuff (including all the small cars, tractors etc) are going to compile and export to the sims. exciting! isn't it? :) 

**Remind you- it's all WIP screenshots**


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