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Toolbar Pushback SU15 Issues


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Is there a way to tell the version on Xbox? I can't see any version info listed in the Marketplace, or in Content Manager. I'm in SU15 on Xbox.

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gimbalaxisyou should be able to go to your content manager in your profile and search for toolbar pushback.  Highlight the add-on, then click on the "i" on the right side and it should give you the version # you have.  (That's assuming the content manager on xbox works about the same as it does on PC...)

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On Xbox, both the Marketplace and Content Manager have a Version History button, but both show "No version history yet". This could be Microsoft failing to read the version info (likely)... but perhaps since Aerosoft are developers and vendors maybe they could prod Microsoft / Asobo about it? I've tried as a customer and gotten nowhere.


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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone ! Since the recent realease of the SimUpdate 15 of Flight Simulator, the pushback tug became crazy when I use it in VR (with a Meta Quest 2). The tug makes the plane turn from a side to an other, turn 360° and does not follow the planned pushback. If I stop the pushback and drive it manualy, no problem. No problem either when not in VR. Not all the planes are affected with this problem. I haven't tried all of them, but for example, with the A320 family (FBW, Fenix, Asobo and Inibuilds), only the inibuild's is not afffected with my problem. The PMDG's737 does not seem to be affected as well.

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I am having same 360 spinning issue after updating to SU15. 

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After sim update 15 very strange pushbacks, extreme S-curves

test : Fenix A320

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Yep, exactly the same behavior with PMDG 738 in VR with Planned pushback. Manual OK, out of VR also OK


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I am getting the same erratic behaviour after SU15 with the headwind A330. Is there any word on a fix or workaround? 

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 . . . I thought I was alone with this problem. Mine does exactly the same and is the only issue I have had after the update 15, everything else good. I have tried the Fenix 320, FBW A32NX, InBuilds A320, Headwinds A330-900, they all do it but my sim is on the desktop monitors, I do not use VR. A few feet after chocks off, it starts zig zagging then pirouettes itself into small knots ! Tilt - game over.

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I have the same problem.
I used the freeware version and it didn't work, so I just bought the paid version and it doesn't work. I bought it because the description said it would work with SU15, but it didn't work.
It dances the same way as the free version. 
This is a very shameful thing and AS should reflect on this.
I feel like I was robbed.
  I am a regular PC user who does not use VR.

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I have the same problem.
I used the freeware version and it didn't work, so I just bought the paid version and it doesn't work. I bought it because the description said it would work with SU15, but it didn't work.
It dances the same way as the free version. 
This is a very shameful thing and AS should reflect on this.
I feel like I was robbed.
  I am a regular PC user who does not use VR.

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After testing several different models at various airports, they were all the same.
However, it is not a solution, but when planning a pushback, if you plan with just one click, you can pushback with a little less crazy left and right shaking. The results were different each time I tested it, but this was the only way to get to the planned location.
AS must solve this problem.
I bought it despite the bad reviews that it was worse than the free version, but this was completely wrong.

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Any response from Aerosoft on the extreme S-curves when using Toolbar Pushback Pro in MSFS since SU15? I reported the issue here 2 months ago, but no response - very disappointing, regret the purchase.

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Purchased and installed Aerosoft Toolbar Pushback Pro on a new install of MSFS SU15, on Xbox X. Planned pushback results in extreme and ridiculous S-curves all over the place - the plane goes literally everywhere except where you asked it to. Manual pushback works, so it seems like they could fix this. Is anyone from Aerosoft actually reading these forums?

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The only solution to ridiculous pushbacks in SU15 is to start the pushback with Shift + P and create a pushback plan. This is the only way I've found. It doesn't always work, but it seems to be the most likely method. AS should quickly fix this.

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The only solution to ridiculous pushbacks in SU15 is to start the pushback with Shift + P and create a pushback plan. This is the only way I've found. It doesn't always work, but it seems to be the most likely method. AS should quickly fix this.

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  • Administrator

Hello all, 


I've merged a couple of threads together regarding TBP issues with SU15, which we are currently investigating. Since this doesn't seem to be effecting everyone, and to help better help us diagnose these issues, please vote on the poll that has been added to this thread at the top of the page. If you have already created a ticket regarding this, we'll already have your issue inputted, so voting is not required.


We'll update you as soon as we have further information and news on a fix.

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  • Tom changed the title to Toolbar Pushback SU15 Issues



I've signed up to this forum just to indicate and confirm the issue that others have already brought up. The Toolbar Pushback Pro doesn't seem to be compatible with large aircraft. I'm on Xbox Series X and my experience is that planned pushbacks are not carried out properly, the planes start to spin around in random directions. But this only applies to the big planes. In my case, the Boeing 747-8i (default), the Boeing 787-10 (default), the Boeing 787-8 (by BravoAirspace). There are also issues with the Airbus A310 (default), it moves somewhat erratically during pushback but the tool manages to push it into the desired position.


All other, smaller airplanes I tried were good. The Airbus A320neo (both the old and the new one), any GA plane and military aircraft, both default and third-party, are pushed back properly by the tool. So to me it looks like this might depend on the size of the aircraft, and how they turn on the ground due to their size, turning circle or something like that.


All this applies to the public release of Sim Update 15. I did not use the tool in Sim Update 14 so I have no experience in that.


I haven't sent a support ticket but voted in this thread.

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Same here. Before the MS update everything was fine, yesterday I installed the MS update and the aircraft pushback is like reported (silly). The tool can't be used at the moment, so please check and update with a bugfix. Fenix A320 by the way. Thanks.

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  • Administrator

Just as an update, we are working on a build for SU15 which should resolve the spinning issue.

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16 hours ago, Tom said:

업데이트와 마찬가지로 회전 문제를 해결하는 SU15용 빌드를 작업 중입니다.


 This is something that should have been done during SU15 beta.

 But thank you for  response.

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