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When can we expect the promised bug fixes to the CRJ?


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Dear Aerosoft team,


On December 14 we were assured there would be bugfixes for the CRJ5/7/9/X.



Do we have an expected ETA? Anything, e.g. Q4 2022?



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I’ve posted similar things on these forums. I feel the best we can do at this point is keep the faith, and trust that they are in fact doing *something* even if they don’t talk about it much. 

Note that I’m trying to stay positive here, I too am getting increasingly impatient with the lack of any tangible progress on this plane (or the Twin Otter for that matter), despite assurances they have not in fact dropped this plane like a hot potato.


I was a pretty big fan of Aerosoft until recently and bought both the CRJ and then the Twotter on day one.


I will not make the same mistake with the A330.

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Over a year ago, when the CRJ700 first released, I was proper excited for the future of Aerosoft aircraft. 


The first time loading into an addon airliner in this new, great looking simulator, I felt like being one of the first to experience the future of flight simulation and I was proud of Aerosoft. 


They managed to give us a mid-class airliner, over a year before PMDG, Leonardo or Justflight would follow. A lot of switches didn't do anything, and that was ok. Aerosoft, as said so many times on here, in interviews, everywhere - does not focus on making state of the art study level planes, but rather focuses on making good "middle of the road" payware, at least that's what they have been known for in their P3D days. The A320 family wasn't as detailed and in-depth systems wise as the FSLabs, but it was a very visually appealing aircraft which was a lot cheaper for the casual simmer who didn't need every single switch to work and do exactly what the real aircraft does. 


I forgave Aerosoft for the LNAV problems, the planes failure to often capture the LOC or G/S, after all they put the CRJ out before everyone else not for the money, but rather because they care about us as simmers and wanted us to have an airliner to fly in MSFS, right, right? 


The months went by, it was increasingly difficult justifying flying the CRJ on the Vatsim network with it failing to capture the G/S on a cloudy day, then completely botch a hold given by ATC. The FBW team worked hard on their A32NX, putting out updates literally every day. I do understand that FBW has a different system of making money and that they use tools that make them unable to put their product on the marketplace. I've read enough about that, however, for me as a customer and an early fan of the CRJ series for MSFS, the more I read about Aerosoft "not making study level planes" and having to "look after the financially profitable Xbox market" I felt more and more left in the dark as the months went on. 


I don't need a study level aircraft to have fun in my flight simulators. I love the P3D QW787, the FBW A32NX, and I absolutely loved the Aerosoft A320 series back when I was simming in FSX. 


However, as customers I believe it's our right, to have an explanation from Aerosoft, for any other reason than giving us early MSFS customers the finger and making more money from new products, an explanation on how a totally broken LNAV system, the plane still having the right/left click bug, and still not capturing the LOC/ILS on many occasions should in any way or form replicate a middle class airliner for any simulator. 


I loved the CRJ when it first came out, and if there wasn't a glimpse of hope in me that somehow Aerosoft have not completely thrown us customers of the plane in the dirt then I would've already uninstalled it. It pains me to say that for now, and maybe forever, I flew the CRJ for the last time on Vatsim. Too many angry controllers, too much frustration. 


The CRJ is a beautiful aircraft, in the real world as well as in our simulators. It could've been one of my all time favourites if seemingly very important things would've been worked on and fixed. But there has been radio silence on this forever while other planes of them have come out and as it looks like full focus is on the A330 now. 


Back in 2012/13 when I first got "properly" into simming, the Aerosoft A320 was my first love. I appreciate all the work Aerosoft have done for us over all these years, I will continue to buy their fantastic airport releases amongst other stuff, but I do hope they realise one thing; they are losing customers for their planes left right and center every single day. I wanted to keep supporting you Aerosoft, I really did. But nowadays I'm counting myself to those who will not buy another plane from you until the CRJ gets these very basic and essential fixes. I do understand going for the big money in the Xbox market, but how long will that boom? For you I hope it will be long, because when you go back to the core/PC market, there won't be many people left wanting your sorry planes. 


I am no longer surprised, but as companies like Justflight have improved their standards and planes, I am very much dissapointed that you took a big step back. 


Best regards,


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57 minutes ago, Mathijs Kok said:

The beta test process is in full swing. Should not take long.


Thank you for the feedback.

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16 hours ago, Mathijs Kok said:

The beta test process is in full swing. Should not take long.

I just purchased the CRJ bundle tonight - happy to hear this. :)

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