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Support for PREPAR3D v5.4

Capt. PERO

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  • Verified Developer

Good news: PREPAR3D v5.4 is out now.

Since I am very busy at work right now, I can't manage to create a supported release. Therefore I plan to create an unsupported alpha scheme with which you should be able to start P3Dv5.4.

An official release will unfortunately take a few weeks due to holidays and work.



da ich beruflich gerade stark eingespannt bin, schaffe ich es nicht ein supported release zu erstellen. Daher plane ich, ein unsupportes Alpha Schema mit dem man P3Dv5.4 starten können sollte.

Ein offizielles Release wird leider einige Wochen dauern.

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  • Verified Developer

This is the unsupported scheme for P3Dv5.4.

Use on your own risk until SIMstarter NG P3D is fully compatible


Do use the new scheme please unzip the attached file and copy the content to




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Ok, that's great thank you, despite the extra work it gives you. Your software has become indispensable for me, to start P3D and as I have already installed version 5.4 ... you understand my position [!?!]
Good luck and happy holidays


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Glad you made this quick fix. Even with the fastest computer, it is necessary to reduce the amount of loaded sceneries to get a fluid simulation. I'm talking of about 1600 scenery entries. So SimstarterNG is still very much needed. I had not used it for some time but then I reached a critical limit with sceneries which makes it indisputable.




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40 minutes ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

Hello Peter. I’ve held off updating to v5.4 until SimStarterNG is fully compatible. Will you be making the required changes? It’s one program I cannot be without.


I have had no issues using the supplied fix posted above Ray.

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I have been using the update since release and haven't come across any incompatibility on my system. As only the P3D client update is required then it would be a simple process to revert. Don't forget to import a new prepar3d.cfg.

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Having installed the new client delete the existing prepar3d.cfg if it remains, start P3D directly from its shortcut which will build a new cfg. Close P3D and then launch via simstarter and import the config when prompted.

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