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DC 8 FSX SE Vers. 3 problem


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uninstalled previous version and reinstalled version 3.0 but the function "EXTERNAL AIR" no longer works this obviously involves problems with the various ignition procedures and more PRACTICALLY DO NOT FLY ......... but after a long wait for this update...... what a disappointmen

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У меня такая же проблема. После установки версии 3.0 перестал работать внешний источник воздуха. The plane is now generally impossible to launch. It's good that I still have version 2. Until the bug is fixed, I'll fly it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Verified Developer

My apologies.  I copied a file from the P3D version to implement the auto FE forgetting that the FSX version uses a different variable for external air.  

Until we replace the installer or add the file to the update you may download it from this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_RgCt--z5DFjWF__yrqAAw2CxY1PoWT6/view?usp=sharing

Replace the file in Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\DC-8_50\Panel\DC8_Loader with the new one.

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  • Verified Developer

No, the installer isn't updated yet.  That's why I made the file available.  It's easy to download and put it in the folder.

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The link you provided is closed for public access. I already made a request to open a link three times and did not receive a response. Place the files on another accessible resource. This is what happens when I click on a link:

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