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Most recent update breaks trim handle and indicator


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Just used the updater software to update the plane to 2.1.  Love the 2d autopilot panel, but the update has broken the visuals on the trim handle, the indicator and the pitch up/down on the a/p panel.  In short, trim still works, but the handle and indicator don't work unless you are in autopilot mode.  Further, the pitch up/down rotating knob rotates when you use the trim.  I've gone back to 2.0 until this is fixed.  


This is the p3d v4 version of the plane.  




Colin Ware

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Hi Colin.  No one else has reported this and 2.1 has been out for a long time.  I've been using the aircraft a lot to test the upcoming auto flight engineer and haven't found anything amiss with the VS wheel, trim indicator or trim handles, both in VC or on the 2D AP panel.  Maybe there was something wrong with your aircraft install or your XMLTools install got corrupted.  XMLTools is needed for elevator trim.  I would suggest installing 2.1 again from scratch without using the updater. 


Let us know if you still have problems. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/12/2019 at 7:48 PM, hmslion said:

Just used the updater software to update the plane to 2.1.  Love the 2d autopilot panel, but the update has broken the visuals on the trim handle, the indicator and the pitch up/down on the a/p panel.  In short, trim still works, but the handle and indicator don't work unless you are in autopilot mode.  Further, the pitch up/down rotating knob rotates when you use the trim.  I've gone back to 2.0 until this is fixed.  


This is the p3d v4 version of the plane.  




Colin Ware

Colin did you get it working? I installed twice and my trim handle or indicator does not move either so I can't set my trim before takeoff.  Will try a reinstall again this weekend I guess.

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I am at a bit of loss in understanding what is causing this problem for the two of you.  I would like to rule out an XMLTools install issue.  Can you tell me if the fuel loader works as it should?  Like the trim, it uses XMLTools. 

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The trim warning sound is working on my install.  


I am still on P3D 4.3 so I will update my version and see if that breaks anything. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Trim works OK (and the buzzer) after updating to P3D 4.5.  So that's not the problem.

Are you using FSUIPC for trim?  I recall there was an issue with this in the past - the DC8 has a custom trim system that isn't compatible with FSUIPC. 

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The file name is DC8_trim_warn.wav.


Can anyone with the auto-pilot pop-up version (2.1) confirm that their stab trim still works OK.  It seems like there should be many people raising this issue if it's a general problem, but I would like to be sure.





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On 20.12.2019 at 08:59, Michael2 sagte:

Trim works OK (and the buzzer) after updating to P3D 4.5.  So that's not the problem.

Are you using FSUIPC for trim?  I recall there was an issue with this in the past - the DC8 has a custom trim system that isn't compatible with FSUIPC. 


Hi Michael


I just attempt my first flight with the DC-8 and have no stab trim either. I do have the trim buttons on my yoke set to elev trim up and down via the FSUIPC buttons (right side) as I am absolutely no fan of assigning hardware controls via the P3D controls (I use to have a custom hardware setup - joysticks and yoke - for every aircraft I fly and FSUIPC and Linda manage this quite well in opposite of P3D. 


Does the stab trim HAVE to be set via P3D to work? Also I have seen a dll.xml install failure during setup as it couldn't find the location for whatever reason..I'm yet to understand all those locations where P3D puts its files..  But everything else of the DC8 seems to work just fine.. 





Edit: This is the error.


I have my P3D installed into my P: drive (SSD) while the dll.xml file is located on the main system drive c:. could this be the problem?

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Which dll.xml do you use?

there's one in C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 and one in C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4... no comment on that, I've resigned to understand that.

What would be the entry? So I could enter it manually, as I don't see any Aerosoft entries in neither file..

Weird enough I have an XMLTools64 entry in BOTH files.. everything else is different.



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vor 2 Stunden , Ephedrin sagte:

Which dll.xml do you use?

there's one in C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 and one in C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4... no comment on that, I've resigned to understand that.

What would be the entry? So I could enter it manually, as I don't see any Aerosoft entries in neither file..

Weird enough I have an XMLTools64 entry in BOTH files.. everything else is different.




Can't edit, so a third post: I'm back to v2.0.0.. The trim works now, using v2.1 it does not. Not using the P3D controls either.

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Possibly there is an error in the updater files -- I am going to uninstall, install 2.0 and then update to see if I can reproduce the problem.

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Now confirmed that in 2.1 the stab trim doesn't work at all.  It seems there has been a disconnect between what the updater produces and the development version I had on my computer.  Working on a quick fix.

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Here is a link for 2.1 users to fix the stab trim:


Again, you are replacing the two logic files in the DC-8_50\panel\DC81 folder.

We'll get the installers sorted out later -- probably after Christmas give the proximity of the holidays. 

Let me know if there are any problems with these hotfixes. 

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thanks for the quick reaction too. I wonder how nobody has brought this up earlier.. maybe there are differences in the sim version etc? anyway, it works well now, thanks! Honestly, I hope to see a fuel crossfeed one day but the airplane is really fun to manage. I did an approach in IMC into MMMX yesterday, flying there from Sint Martin.. certainly a new experience after all that 737/A320 management. It's a little faster than a C172 :D Using 4 independant throttles that's simply an amazing aircraft! 

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22 hours ago, AAC47 said:

I wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year......


And the same to you!


15 hours ago, Ephedrin said:

I did an approach in IMC into MMMX yesterday, flying there from Sint Martin.. certainly a new experience after all that 737/A320 management. It's a little faster than a C172 :D Using 4 independant throttles that's simply an amazing aircraft! 


Glad you're enjoying it.  I hope to get a new update out reasonably soon with an automated flight engineer option.  All done now except manifold pressure management and deicing.  After the FE is out, maybe cross feeds.  

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  • 3 months later...

Bought the DC 8 last week and also had this problem after updating with the update tool.

The above fix has now sorted it out.

Thanks Michael



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