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How to set up a touch and go circuit?


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Then How is it possible for people to do touch and goes without a route?

By taking off, 90 right, 90 right, 90 right and touch the runway?

Why would you need a route for that, you are supposed to always stay in visual range with the runway.

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I tried to perform so circuits a few days ago... however there was something strange that didn't make me completely enjoy my flight...

Even if I switch off AP and FD I struggled to disconnect autothrust, if I try to step it back it goes to idle, if I try to set a medium power, it goes to CLB or TOGA... maybe I did something wrong?

Happy New Year to all Airbus X Extended crew


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Hello Giorgio,

maybe you have not flown a non-standard-FSX Airbus before. The throttles are not like throttles in other aircraft you may know. The Autothrottle (A/THR) is activated either by pressing the A/THR button on the FCU while having the levers in the so called A/THR active range (not at 0 and not in the yellow reverse range) or if you move the levers to the CL or FLX MCT or TO GA detents. These detents start approximately around the middle of the lever movement area - so by applying medium power you probably end up in the CL detent (and hear the tack sound when the levers rest in that position).

A/THR can be disabled by either pressing the button on the FCU (right click) or bring the levers all back to 0 - this is usally accompanied by a distinctive audio sound (in reality there is also the red instinctive pushbutton on the levers - but we don't have those here). If you then want to use manual thrust ensure that you do not move the levers too far up - consider the lower half of the throttle movement like the full range - so if you want to apply medium thrust you probably place it around the quarter mark.

Hope that helped


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