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Task 2

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This time we fly in the Alps in Southern France. We start airborne at the Grande Ceuse, a pitoresque mountain near the aerodrome of Gap Tallard, LFNA, where our starting line is. Maximum start altitude is 1600 m MSL (5250 ft). From here we proceed Northeast to St. Crepin, along the Lac du Serre Poncon, passing the Ecrins mountains. Now we turn Southwest again, crossing the Lac du Serre Poncon and make our way along the Parcours de Combattant down St. Auban, the French training centre of Alpine and competition gliding. Now we turn North again and return to Tallard. Weather forecast is thermals from 3.5 t 5.5 m/s (7-11kn) with ceiling in 2750 m (9000 ft), increasing over the relief. Wind on ground 5kn from South, increasing to 15 kn in 3000 m (10000 ft) and turning to 240°. The task should by flyable in 1:40 h.

Final results

Rank	Pilot           Try	Time	       Distance	Speed	Glider	                Class	       Handicap	Handicapped Speed

				                [km]	[km/h]	                              		%	[km/h]

1	Ian (B21)	1	01:45:12	182,6	104,14	Discus B 1.5/Aerosoft	Standard	108	96,43

2	Peter (FY)	1	01:47:59	182,6	101,46	Discus B 1.5/Aerosoft	Standard	108	93,94

3	Bert (BRT)	3	01:55:41	182,6	94,71	Discus B 1.5/Aerosoft	Standard	108	87,69



Task 2.jpg

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I just have a question or two for now. I know over an hour and a half doesn't seem long to many of us, but can we use the pause if we have too? and, How does this affect the IGC file if paused?


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Hi Scott,

for the time being I don't bother about pausing, and it seems that the logger pauses, too. Maybe Ian can confirm this. I made a test on the task above with a PDA and XCSOAR and that has paused, too.

Of course it won't work reasonably in multi.

To let myself participate in the competition, I consider changing the day of month of the task according to Friday's DAX index at 5:30 pm CEDST , i.e. Day-of-month=int((DAX/pi) mod 30 + 1). This one I cannot foresee myself and gives completely new conditions.

Every participant should PM me his IGC file until Sunday 8 pm CEDST. This keeps the flight confidential until the end of the competition.



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You can pause and the IGC log will be fine.

If you save, exit, and reload then you'll end up with two separate tracklog files - it is possible to stitch these files back together using notepad but not the intended approach.


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Ok, here it ist:

Load flight "Task 2". You'll start airborne and paused at the slopes of Grande Ceuse. If necessary, choose your plane then. Unpause and gain altitude as required. Fly to the start line over the aerodrome of Gap Tallard and cross it at a maximum altitude of 1600 m MSL.

If you don't want your result being published before end of the challenge, send it to me by email until Sunday 8:00 pm CEDT latest. Otherwise, post it here before the same deadline.

Good luck,


Task 2.zip

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So done, made my round with the official FSX date of the Task (17th). Not quite happy, one or two wrong decisions and task speed was down.

The test flight was better, but that was on some other FSX-day ...



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First leg, but better now, there are clouds near me also.

Made it to TP1 and back to Start after getting slightly lost coming out of a thermal...

Thanks, nice area

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Hi Peter,

As a newbie to the gliding scene I have noticed that your altitudes etcetera are in metres where as no doubt quite a few folk (like me) still fly fs in feet. Any chance of you quoting both? I tend to use Flight Calculator to do my lazy stuff but others may not have the programme.

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gah - completed the flight, went to the add-on menu to save the IGC file, and discovered I'd removed sim_logger from startup during my development/testing. It felt exactly the same as a real logger failure in a real flight! So that was a practice flight, and I'm currently halfway round on the 'competition' flight...

In imperial units:

First leg: 28nm

Second leg: 46nm

Final leg: 23nm (important to know for final glide)

Gap Tallard is at approx 2000 feet (important to set your C4 A.H.)

Wx has good thermals for the first half of the course, cloudbase about 9000 feet, wind is 5 knots from the south, increasing to 15 knots SW at about 8000 feet. Cumulus are few south of Gap Tallard, but thermals are still there.

Task advisory: there is high ground on the final leg before Gap Tallard, so allow extra height on your final glide or detour slightly to the West.

right... now to finish the course...


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Right, I have made a complete pigs breakfast of this. sim_logger IGC file as here: B21_Task2_2009-10-10_1950.zip. I flew with a fairly old development version of sim_logger so the task and flight records are good but the all the checksum stuff is crap. But the file is kosher, honest.

I won't reveal my flight time until the end of the weekend (although you can get it if you view the trace). The flight went OK - I had to poke around a bit for the better climbs and didn't get that quite right. Fundamentally I've never liked blue days in RL gliding as there's so much luck involved bumping into the right thermal, and half of this flight is in the blue - from half-way back from TP1, all the way around TP2 to the finish. Having flown the first 'practice' (my no-logger flight...) I knew to get a good climb before the final glide to get over the high ground on the way back to the finish and I got a couple of lucky climbs before TP2 and final glid around it and home.

Starting the flight on 'pause' was pretty good for me... I took time to set up the arrival height on the C4 (2000 feet) before starting, and I checked the distance from TP2 to the finish (24 nautical miles, 48km), and I was able to fly *towards* TP2 with the C4 telling me I'd arrive 5000 feet above Gap Tallard, so from that point (maybe 6 miles before TP2) I knew I could race around TP2 and straight for home. As it turned out I picked up a couple of thermals on the way back so I had even more height in hand, but that would never have happened if the final glide had been marginal...

After coming over the high ground on final glide, it was a VNE dive the last few miles to Gap Tallard, and I dumped the water for a good landing.

Thanks Peter,


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Fundamentally I've never liked blue days in RL gliding as there's so much luck involved bumping into the right thermal, and half of this flight is in the blue - from half-way back from TP1, all the way around TP2 to the finish. Having flown the first 'practice' (my no-logger flight...) I knew to get a good climb before the final glide to get over the high ground on the way back to the finish and I got a couple of lucky climbs before TP2 and final glid around it and home.

Strange, I had my both flights visual CX!-clouds all over the track, and no blue themals in between. But stop complaining, just a quick compare between your time and thermal behaviour and mine it seems like an advantage not to see that many thermals on the track :D

Well anyway, here are my two files.


D-6945__2009-10-10_0050 bruinv1.zip

D-6945__2009-10-10_1854 bruinv2.zip

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hey Bert - I maggot-raced your flight and mine - you're ahead of me on the first leg but then take a few extra thermals on the long second leg I guess as you suggested. We even thermalled together at one point even though I started before you. You could have turned TP2 for a final glide quite a bit earlier than you did and then stopped for a thermal on the final glide that you didn't need. Anyway FAIL because you started above 1600 meters / 5250 feet. I hear PENALTY.


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Here it is.

Thanks Peter - I was going to ask...

You cored into some great climbs and as I only beat you by a couple of minutes it wouldn't have taken much for you to come past me... I reckon both you and Bert had quite conservative final glides - I think you turned TP2 higher than me and I was already diving for home. I must admit I do like a 25 mile final glide... It looks like you waffled around a bit right at the start - I'm not sure what that cost you. I have to try and work out why my climbs were consistently slower than yours...


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Hi Bert,

indeed I made a couple of mistakes. Right after passing start I saw a nice cloud and tried to make it up to ceiling, but I couldn't get it very well and after short it dissolved. The it went verey well on leg to TP1, where I could make it almot wihtout loss of altitude by flying over the southern slope along the Serre Poncon.

Then I made the mistake not reversing the previous route but aiming south towards the Parcours instead, but then changed my mind and trying to cut across into the direction of La Motte. I saw the blue area south and found myself rounding the Gache loosing more time, but to grasp the last Cumulus before St. Auban. Close to TP2 I dropped into a blue thermal and because of playing safe I got me much more altitude then really needed. I gave my a nice MC 5.0 home run, but still lost time.

Due to the change of Day-of-the month on Friday evening, my test flights were practically useless to me, as the position of thermals were completely different. Of course the usual rules (wind blown slopes, sun shine etc), were still vali of course.

You may compare the flight by taking the SeeYou map and the start time and proceed along my path with Cx unlocked, to find out if the thermals are any different. Would be a nice check anyway.



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Don't know how many times I have attempted this but, can't even get half way to the 1st turn point :lol::wub:

Obviouslly a bit of a novice and don't know what I'm doing :D or what I'm suposed to be doing :lol:

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