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Nick Craig

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Will wing/tail deice ever be implemented animation and icing that affects the performance of the aircraft?


Also, in the attached picture the prop deice element (circled in red) is backwards.  I see that in the correct location there is a grey strip, maybe that was intended to be the element?


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On 3/21/2022 at 1:19 PM, Nick Craig said:

Also, in the attached picture the prop deice element (circled in red) is backwards.  I see that in the correct location there is a grey strip, maybe that was intended to be the element?


Is that one of the default textures or a repaint? At least one of the cargo models has the leading/trailing edge texture reversed so if it's a 3rd party repaint whomever did the paint will need to correct the texture. Unfortunatly the repaint kit had a couple of them reversed as well so it's up to the painter to test and make sure the deicing boot is on the correct part of the texture.



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  • 9 months later...
On 3/31/2022 at 2:47 PM, Nick Craig said:

I have been flying through icing for many flights now, pitot heat and prop deice seem to work.  Wing/tail deice do not.


Thank you for looking into this.

And... Still broken... :(

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