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Excessive Fuel use


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Just completed a flight from Madrid to San Juan.


Simbrief spat out 59.4 tons block fuel, using the Aerosoft Fuel Planner logically gave me different values, but I fueled up with the figures I had received before.

In addition, SB gave me an estimate remaining fuel of 9.1 tons upon arrival.


With recent wind updates throughout the route, I ended up with 10.3 tons at the gate.


So all good on my side, this was actually my first flight with the A330 since I bought it in December. 

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Happy to report similar.

Flight MEL-HKG  8.7 hrs.

Using PFPX it calculated 8.0t arrival fuel.  Result 7.9t


This A330 has been transformed after the fix.


Well done, guys.


Jock McIntyre

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On 12/10/2019 at 9:25 PM, hilkiah said:

Hi I'm doing a flight NSTU/AYPY :


Simbrief suggested 44.8 kg of fuel (the A330 fuel/load planner actually suggested a lot less for zfw 160.0 kg).  Anyway I fueled up at NSTU (44.8kg) and I am now 1242nm away from my destination and about to run out of fuel.  I'm cruising at FL380.  Is there any way I can add fuel mid air?  I tried adding fuel from the P3D Vehicle -> fuel menu but that doesnt' work.


Hilkiah Lavinier

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After playing with many buttons and forums, I Figured it out if you turn off Engine and Wing Anti-ice there will be a significant positive impact on EFOB. I was flying from OPIS-EGLL on the 330 when EFOB went into negative. After turning off the Anti Ice systems EFOB gave me fuel from heaven. Turn these Anti ice systems off and youll be relaxing again  

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