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  1. P3D V4.5

    Having flown the Twotter for 2 years with a Saitech multi panel it all  worked very well except for the altitude annunciator in the Otter did not alter, however all altitude changes were easy and never a problem

    I now have a Vr MCP Boeing Combo 2 working with LINDA and have downloaded your Twotter module from Avsim. This is the first aircraft i have tried, I cannot make head or tail of the Altitude changes I have tried IAS tried VS but whilst with a lot of fiddling I can change altitude (not sure why except I have to press some of the knobs) the aircraft never levels out at the selected altitude (no alt sel button?) I will go on to try a default aircraft next but just wondered if their is an inherent problem


    As a plus ,now I have a Bravo throttle I have no problem on Taxi at all (replaced a Saitech quadrant)

    1. MarkHurst


      Sorry, I don't really know what you're asking. I don't have the VRi MCP, so I can't be much help with that. Changing altitude in the Twin Otter meeds you to initiate the change manually, either by using the IAS function and changing power setting, or by changing the attitude with the autopilot manual controls (thumbwheel on the yoke pedestal). There is no VS mode, so I don't know what you're referring to with that. As for levelling out at a selected altitude, you need to dial in the target on the ALT Alerter, select  Alt Alert and then initiate the climb or descent.

  2. Thanks again for the info

  3. Thanks MarkHurst, I have already have some switches mapped.I am wondering does you quad have any background lights, I don't, and I don't know why.  

    1. MarkHurst


      Yes, when I run it in P3D with the Aerosoft program and default profile all the lights work with the default aircraft.

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