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ND wind direction indication

Marcelo Monteiro

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I noticed ND is showing wind direction based on the true north, while supposed to be related to magnetic north

It's indeed easy to check this requesting CTRL+Z FSX info, as you can easyly note that the wind direction showed in red via CTRL+Z command is the exact difference between the ND wind and the magnetic variation of the place where you are..

please, take a look at this


Marcelo Monteiro

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I'm not a Airbus real pilot, nor a Airbus mechanic, but it's really difficult to accept this answer due to logic;

the ND visual representation, the ARC, the heading line, the track and the route courses displayed there are all related to magnetic north, why should the wind arrow be related to true north? it will lead, in some cases, to the incongruous situation where the arrow will be pointing from one side of the aircraft while the wind is coming, in truth, from the other side;

in south america we often get magnetic variations of more than 20/22 degres, so if we have a wind with 10 degres of difference from the runway alignment, we will be able to see, for example, the wind arrow showing a left wind coming from 10 degres less than runway alingment and experiencing a right wind coming from 10 degres more than runway aligment, suggesting the pilot to compensate the wind to the wrong side;

it's really really difficult to assimilate this, but I will not discuss as I am not a Airbus professional


Marcelo Monteiro

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  • Deputy Sheriffs


I noticed ND is showing wind direction based on the true north, while supposed to be related to magnetic north

The EIS1 Aircraft have the readout, 120/12 for example, as TN and the arrow as MN. In the newer EIS2 aircraft both are TN.

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