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SOAR site updating...


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Hello everyone, I am currently updating Wolfgang's aircraft section over at the SOAR main site. Just want to let you know, if you want to download any of his aircraft, please go to his site at http://www.fsglider.de/ to do so. He is constantly in an update mode, so as to keep his aircraft up to date, and to keep us hungry for more glider action. I used to confine myself to just one aircraft, but over the years I've ventured out and tried new ones, and was very glad I did. Being in a Virtual Cockpit of another glider is very rewarding. Anyway, for the next month possibly I will be updating that section at the SOAR site.

And, if you haven't had a chance to pick up one of Aerosoft's gliders, I would suggest to do so, you won't be sorry you did. All I can say is ... it's a very rewarding experience.

Also, we want to again say Thank You!!, Aerosoft, for letting our forum be hosted here over the years.

Well, that's all for now, Happy SOARing to All of You!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just updating everyone about the Wolfgang section. I've got Part1 (1932-1939) and Part2 (1951-1966) completed out of the 5 sections. The next one is going to be a bear with about 22 total gliders in it. I'm still looking at getting all 5 sections finished by the end of August, though. So if you have a chance, head on over to the SOAR site, and see what you think of the new "indexed" look. Just go to the Main Menu -->Downloads -->Aircraft -->TESTING Wolfgangs FS2K2/FS2K4/FSX Aircraft section. I'd sure like to hear at least some feedback as to how it's looking, whether negative or positive. I still haven't nailed down an official SOAR email yet, so for now just place comments in this thread if you could please.

That's it for now, Keep SOARing High!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sounds GREAT Wolfgang! I've come into a bit of a snag lately with time management, so updating the site may not be done until mid-to-late September now. But it's coming along well otherwise, and I'm really glad I took the time to 'remodel' that section of the site. It really makes a difference in how well a person can get to various parts and even the individual aircraft as well. The original way I put it together was very time consuming for a person trying to find a specific aircraft and getting around the section.

But, Many THANKS should go out to you, for all the time you put into what you have done and for what you are still doing for the virtual gliding community!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, still looking into the IGC conversion process I'm doing, but it seems as though I've hit a wall. I'll put another week into it, because I'd also like to see all IGC's work in SoarTrack somehow. I think I can hold off on adding the new gliders for a few more days.

Meanwhile, I've linked an Intro video on the SOAR site that some of you may remember. It's a blast from the past! If you came to the site yesterday, you may have not been able to view it, but I believe it is fixed now.


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