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RPN scripts (dealing with LVARS) no longer resulting in FCP knobs turning (value changes, but knob turning animation gone)


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I use Axis and Ohs to opearate the CRJ panels, including FCP knobs for selecting course, speed, heading, etc.

Following RPN script used to work correctly for heading selection (example) - it was changing the selected HDG but also it was triggering the knob turning animation (visual feedback):


Now the script still changes the value, but no longer triggers the knob turning animation.


The only script which still triggers the amination is for V/S selection:



The script structure is the same, so I have no clue why it works for V/S and doesn't work with HDG and all the other knobs.


The issue was probably introduced with the recent CRJ update.


What am I doing wrong?


I can turn the knob with the mouse wheel, the amination works, however I’m unable to tell if actually ASCRJ_FCP_HDG_SEL is used.

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  • steku changed the title to RPN scripts (dealing with LVARS) no longer resulting in FCP knobs turning (value changes, but knob turning animation gone)
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