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refueling in flight


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As it's difficult to manage fuel, I would like to know if it is possible to add some fuel to finish a flight, an how if the answer is yes;

Thank's and have a good evening


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  • Deputy Sheriffs

No, not possible.

A better version of the fuelplaner is in the next update.

But if you enter the full route incl star and rwy and the winds, you should be able to see during preflight at FUEL PRED page if you have enough fuel on board EFOB.

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The lack of this function is a bit annoying, especially since all the gremlins aren't quite ironed out yet. I'm now little over halfway on a 9h trip, but for some reason I've ended up with 10 metric tonnes more than expected compared to what I uplifted, and will probably have to circle for 20mins at the destination to get below MLW, when planned landing fuel would put me 8 tonnes under that limit. It's not a fuel planner error, it's not a bad PFPX performance file, I did my first fuel check about 2 hours into flight, and for some reason the climb and initial cruise only spent 6 tonnes when it should have spent 16. My memory, fuel used, MCDU3 listed uplift, and PFPX planned block fuel amount all check out, and every single fuel check carried out in the following 3 hours has been right on the money, except with the same difference above the expected fuel level. My suspicions fall to some back and forth between panel states I had going on before and after push, as I was combatting a checklist problem already brought up elsewhere.


The point: As long as it's not a 100% failproof software with a 100% failproof user base (which, obviously is literally impossible), it would be nice to have an alternative to splashing into the ocean short of the destination or holding for X minutes overhead for your MLW. Whether it's the product or the user, it's never gonna not happen, and this very basic function could make their day just that little bit better.

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Which planners are you guys using? I use the AS planner to set weights, but always use the fuel values from Simbrief as they are closer to what's actually needed (reserves, alternates, FAR, etc).

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