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Seychelles4XPlane - Seychelles Scenery for X-Plane

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It’s time to inform you about the plans for our upcoming X-Plane scenery package, which will feature the Seychelles:

You can look forward to a photo-realistic custom terrain mesh covering the entire 115-island country; Dense tropical vegetation and country-specific autogen; Detailed renditions of the Seychelles International Airport as well as the regional Praslin Island Airport; Numerous additional airstrips and helipads, which are spread over the smaller islands.

Please note, that this is just a very short summary of the key features. More information and a detailed feature list will follow. To stay up-to-date, I suggest to you to follow this forum-thread and to check the Seychelles4XPlane-development blog frequently.

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Further previews can be found in the recently published article on my website.

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As mentioned, one key feature of Seychelles4XPlane is a custom terrain mesh for a photo-realistic rendition of the entire archipelago. The mesh will be complemented with a custom overlay, featuring -beside others- dense tropical vegetation on the islands. Two selected snapshots, just to get an idea about the work in progress:


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Further snapshots and more detailed information is available in the newest article on my website.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

In case you have missed the latest posting on the developer blog:
Seychelles4XPlane will offer a few special destinations for helicopter pilots in addition to the 15 airports and airfields:


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The snapshots show the heliports in the port of Victoria, as well as on Silhouette and La Digue island. Further reading...

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  • 1 month later...

After having first looks on the landscape and the helipads, it's now definitively the time to take also a closer look at the airports. Let's start with the two largest:


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<<< Seychelles International Airport (FSIA)


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<<< Regional Praslin Island Airport (FSPP)

More snapshots and infos in the newest publication on my website. BTW: Thirteen additional airstrips, spread over the Seychelles archipelago, will be included in #Seychelles4XPlane as well. More about that in the next posting...

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 17.1.2020 at 12:02, maps2xplane sagte:

Thirteen additional airstrips, spread over the Seychelles archipelago, will be included in #Seychelles4XPlane as well


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<<< Bird Island Airport (FSSB, Grass, 920 meters)


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<<< Alphonse Airport (FSAL, Concrete, 1.220 meters)


Just two out of the thirteen additional landing-sites. More info and snapshots here...


Likely one of the last postings prior the release 😉 Follow this thread and the development blog to don't miss any news!

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A stunning landscape awaits you with more than a dozen scenic landing-sites: Seychelles International Airport, Praslin Island Airport and thirteen additional airfields and four heliports which are spread over the smaller islands of the Seychelles archipelago. But be prepared for challenging approaches: The island-runways are all quite short, embedded in dense tropical vegetation, and four of them are even unpaved grass airstrips. 

In short: Island hopping as its best!


Seychelles XP is available here in the Aerosoft Shop.


Further information and tons of snapshots can be found in the release notes on my website.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
vor 2 Minuten, Karan x sagte:

i have this scenery but i find that the manual doesnt show exactly how to sintall the scenery as i followed those steps my sim crashes when i load FSPP AND FSIA


Thanks for your feedback. Please update your X-Plane installation. You're currently running X-Plane 11.40r2. You need at least 11.41r1.


Just run the "X-Plane 11 Installer" which you'll find in the X-Plane 11 installation directory. Let me know, if it works!

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Good news: Seychelles XP has been updated! The new version fixes a few issues with the terrain mesh for X-Plane 12 beta/early access. It hotfixes, inter alia, "gaps" between waterbodies and landmasses. BTW: A more extensive update of Seychelles XP - which will then also make use of new X-Plane 12 features - is planned for a later date, when X-Plane 12 is in a more advanced stage.


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Seychelles XP awaits you with a stunning landscape, the International Airport on Mahé, the Regional Airport on Praslin, and more than a dozen additional, scenic landing-sites for your smaller aircrafts and helicopters. More detailed information on the product page and in the developer blog.

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  • 8 months later...



Been enjoying this scenery in XP11/12 for a while now. Is there any news on the bigger update promised of this scenery? Also, any chance you will convert this to MSFS as well? :) 

Could also need a few more heliports added. There are literally tons of helipads scattered around in the real world. 

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vor 11 Stunden schrieb Jan R. Storelvmo:

Been enjoying this scenery in XP11/12 for a while now. Is there any news on the bigger update promised of this scenery? Also, any chance you will convert this to MSFS as well? :) Could also need a few more heliports added.


Thanks for your feedback, we're very happy that you enjoy Seychelles XP!


As for another update: Unfortunately no news yet. We're still waiting for a few XP12 features to be finalized and documented... Anyways, additional heliports are already on the list of ideas, but no decision made on what will be included in another update. Any specific wishes?


Anyways, we'll keep you posted! And as far as a port of #Seychelles4XPlane for MSFS is concerned, such is rather unlikely, because there is already a Seychelles scenery from FSDG for MSFS. (who knows, maybe we'll teamup for a MSFS 2024 version, but no promises...)

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Thanks for the reply and update! 


As for a MSFS version, yes there is one available from FSDG but it's not very good and has many issues. It's a dirty port-over of a product originally developed for FSX back in 2013 (yes, 10 years old, and wasn't particularly outstanding even back then), then ported over to P3D before being ported over again to MSFS. Your version of the Seychelles is far more detailed and better. In MSFS you have all the tools available in the sim, which makes the process far easier and quicker. MSFS 2024 version or not, I would be happy to join a team working on a project like that. With all heliports and airstrips modelled it would make up for a very unique scenery for island hopping for both fixed-wing and heli :)

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  • 6 months later...

Hi all,

I purchased this awesome scenery for XP11 through the steam store, I can see that it has been updated to XP12 for free (thank you so much) so it turns up in my XP12 steam library. However, I didn't purchase XP12 through steam, I got it through LR directly. My issue is that I want to install the XP12 version of the scenery but steam wont let me as I don't own  the base game on steam. Any ideas on what I can do??


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12 hours ago, GreenJetsam said:

I purchased this awesome scenery for XP11 through the steam store, I can see that it has been updated to XP12 for free (thank you so much) so it turns up in my XP12 steam library. However, I didn't purchase XP12 through steam, I got it through LR directly. My issue is that I want to install the XP12 version of the scenery but steam wont let me as I don't own  the base game on steam. Any ideas on what I can do??


Thanks for your purchase and your feedback: We are very pleased that you like Seychelles XP!


As for your question: I'm not aware of any solution to work around this specific situation on Steam. You could contact Aerosoft Support directly and ask if they can unlock your Steam purchase on Aerosoft One. (Enclose a proof of your Steam purchase with your request)


The quickest solution, however, is to copy the XP11 version to XP12 by hand. That's possible, because the current XP11 version, which you can download via Steam, also contains the XP12 version. You should find detailed instructions for installation by hand in the manual.

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On 1/18/2024 at 12:51 PM, maps2xplane said:


Thanks for your purchase and your feedback: We are very pleased that you like Seychelles XP!


As for your question: I'm not aware of any solution to work around this specific situation on Steam. You could contact Aerosoft Support directly and ask if they can unlock your Steam purchase on Aerosoft One. (Enclose a proof of your Steam purchase with your request)


The quickest solution, however, is to copy the XP11 version to XP12 by hand. That's possible, because the current XP11 version, which you can download via Steam, also contains the XP12 version. You should find detailed instructions for installation by hand in the manual.

Brilliant I’ll give that a go! Ah so I have XP11 still installed on steam with the scenery, so the version that downloads to the XP11 version is identical to the XP12 version?

I will try that thank you so much!

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3 hours ago, GreenJetsam said:

so the version that downloads to the XP11 version is identical to the XP12 version?


Exactly! This applies to the current version of Seychelles XP, but may change in the future when we implement XP12-specific features and have an XP12-specific version. At the moment, however, copying Seychelles XP from XP11 to XP12 should work without any issues. Good luck!

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  • 2 months later...

I bought the Seychelles Island and there must be a problem with the trees, I already reinstalled the package using the aerosoft application and it didn't solve the problem.


What should I do to fix this bug?


The forests on the islands of Tahiti and Bora Bora are working.

I'm using X-Plane 12.


Awaiting return.

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  • Verified Developer

That looks weird indeed. You did not accidentally reduce vegetation density to lowest levels in XP options? But there might also be an issue with scenery order or some other package is overriding your trees somehow with placeholders...

Anyway, please upload a log.txt file so we can investigate this.



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46 minutes ago, FlyAgi said:

Isso parece estranho de fato. Você não reduziu acidentalmente a densidade da vegetação para níveis mais baixos nas opções XP? Mas também pode haver um problema com a ordem do cenário ou algum outro pacote está substituindo suas árvores de alguma forma com espaços reservados...

De qualquer forma, faça o upload de um arquivo log.txt para que possamos investigar isso.




Could it be Orbx “Global Forests v2” that is causing this conflict? I have it installed here.


I will change this line in Scenery_packs :)

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scenery_packs.ini Log.txt

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Fixed the conflict. ;)

It was “Global Forests v2”, it worked here by placing it on the line below

Thanks for your attention Flyagi, I hadn't remembered that detail.

Here's a tip for anyone who has Global Floresta v2

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