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What is the best technique to use ?


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I am having so much trouble getting CumulusX to provide me with the thermal lift I was expecting.  I can clearly see the clouds (and sometimes the shadows) in P3D as the look of the clouds is very distinctive vs. REX Soft Clouds.  I  have disabled the default FSX thermals and also use ASN with thermal updraft and downdraft at zero.  Mostly I am hearing the Variometer solid sound for no lift but when going near the cloud I am able to get the beep beep beep for lift but when I circle it immediately goes away.  What is the best way to sustain the lift and circle up ?  Do you enter the thermal on the edge?  If so where is that relative to the cloud?   thanks for the help.

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Well I decided to install into FSX-SE and at least got some good ridge lift.  The thermals were a disaster,  I could not get any lift.  I would see shadows on the ground and when I got to their location they disappeared.  Very odd.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Peter, and mark767Peter, doesn't the cloud lean with wind present?  Maybe mark767 is missing the thermal by relying on the cloud/shadow of cloud.  I'm not the best one to ask about thermaling, but as a rule of thumb for me, I try not to turn too early, one needs to stay straight until you hear the variometer slow down and then you can start to make your turn sometime after that.  After that you can then start to get "comfortable" in the thermal.  I have yet to have the experience of CumulusX! with thermaling since getting the paid version, I've just been slope soaring and enjoying the challenges of that when I have a chance.  Not to say thermaling doesn't have it's challenges, I should just break down and give thermaling another chance with the added wing simulation that I didn't have with the free version.



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Hi Scott,


you are right. The shadows are irrelevant in any case. If the foot of the lift column is above the shadow it is a pure coincidence. In addition, if you are using FSX standard shadows as cloud shadows (as in non-licensed version of CumulusX!) they will disappear, once the cloud is not anymore in view (off-screen). This is the normal behaviour of any native FSX object casting a shadow. The smooth cloud shadows (available in the registered version) will stay visible, even if the originating cloud is straight behind you.


A relative good way to approach a thermal is flying parallel to the wind towards the center of the cloud. If you have tailwind, then expect the lift before you reach the cloud, the more the stronger the wind and the higher the cloud above you. With headwind you have to pass the cloud first, before you will enter the lift.


best regards,


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Thanks, Peter!  Yes, I forgot to explain how to get to an actual thermal, which is fundamental :banghead1_s: .  And I almost asked you if you had your directions wrong, well, until I drew it on paper and realized I was getting headwind and tailwind mixed up.  So, thanks again!



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