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How we respond to questions


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I recently read a reply to someone asking about a product release date.


I must admit that repetitive questions can get to me from time to time, especially when a simple search can answer 90% (I'm not exaggerating) of the questions people answer, and that it's far better to first search for an answer rather than simply creating a post and having to wait for a reply (if one ever comes). One does not even have to search the Aerosoft forums, a Google search works perfectly fine (possibly better) as the Aerosoft and other flight sim website forums are indexed by multiple search engines.


However... I have to at times stop and remind myself of the following:


Questions are formed by a though process (or lack thereof), so saying a question is stupid is in reality another way of calling the person who asked it (or their thought process) "stupid".  It may not have been the direct intent, but it is certainly taken that way by the person who asked the question.


One of the terrific things about Aerosoft Forums is the friendly, family atmosphere that many work to maintain (it is certainly much more so than many other flight sim websites).  My point is that we can all do a better job of choosing our words so as to not offend and possibly alienate people - especially the younger or new members of the flight simulation community who may come to the forums with questions without the benefit of the experience that many of us have.


We may not realize it, but the most important people in our community are the new members. Without new members, our community fades away and with that go the developers.  With this in mind, we might all consider our roles as ambassadors and teachers, because the larger our community gets the more money developers will be willing to invest - which directly leads to incredible new products for us all!


I'm NOT SAYING that we have to be politically correct all the time, but we can all make a little effort to word our replies to new or less experienced people to make them feel welcome instead of feeling they don't belong.


Best Wishes for Happy Flights!


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Being new to a forum means nothing , it is just an excuse . As if a forum on another site works any differently than here at Aerosoft . If anything that is more of a reason to read the topics before posting at all . There are other sites that require you read and post that you understand their terms before even being allowed to post in other topics .

What is frequently written is " I don't have the time to read XXX pages " , where 9 times out of 10 their " important - never been asked before question " has been answered on the first page, as if their time is more important than that of anyone else . For others who have taken the time to read an entire thread first , it does lead to frustration at seeing the same thing being asked for the umpteenth time . The same for forum members who follow a topic receiving multiple emails each day when a " new " post / question is added , only to discover that it is something that has been discussed ad nauseum . This is one of the reasons I no longer follow any of the " main " topics anymore and I'm sure that others feel the same .

I have in the past been perfectly willing to help others but it gets to the stage where having given the same answer to the same question multiple times ( installing liveries for example ) , it seems that no one is willing ( or able ) to use the search function . As I am just another member with no official status , it is easier to no longer offer assistance and let others waste their time , instead of my own .

I do understand that being a mod is a thankless task but surely it is more important that new members should be made aware of the correct way to get involved in any discussions and this includes posting a question without first searching if it has been asked before , instead of asking others to be " diplomatic " with their answers . The " are we there yet ? " , scenario being the worst . We all want the ............ ( fill in your most wanted here )  to be released yesterday but it wont happen , if it did Aerosoft would be swamped with complaints / bug lists ( as was the case with the AirbusX , AirbusX Extended and A320/321 ) and I don't think anyone wants that ( anymore ) .

That's my €0,01 worth .


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Both of you have very valid points, my personal attitude towards this is to just either ask if he used the search, suggest to use the search, or if he asked really politely tell him to use the search and give a hint to the answer ;)


Honestly though, we know these questions are annoying, but they are all from potential customers who want to buy the product, so in the end it's good for us.
If you get annoyed by answering those questions just leave them for us, Jonas, Fabian Mathijs and me get paid to answer such questions, so feel free to leave them open for us!

We appreachiate your assistance in such matters, however if you get annoyed no one will look bad at you if you leave this or that question open.

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2 hours ago, DaveCT2003 said:

One of the terrific things about Aerosoft Forums is the friendly, family atmosphere that many work to maintain (it is certainly much more so than many other flight sim websites).  My point is that we can all do a better job of choosing our words so as to not offend and possibly alienate people - especially the younger or new members of the flight simulation community who may come to the forums with questions without the benefit of the experience that many of us have.


It's something that's rare, I agree. The vitriol nature of the community itself is second to none IMHO. I mean you'd be hard pressed to find another game community like the one centered around Flight Sims that's as uninviting as the FS genre is. Ones singular visit likes of AVSIM and it's hostile nature is enough to turn a newbie off to the hobby completely, so I think being open, clear, and inviting is a definite positive to the likes of Aerosoft. Nobody does it better in my opinion.

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3 hours ago, DetCord said:

It's something that's rare, I agree. The vitriol nature of the community itself is second to none IMHO. I mean you'd be hard pressed to find another game community like the one centered around Flight Sims that's as uninviting as the FS genre is. Ones singular visit likes of AVSIM and it's hostile nature is enough to turn a newbie off to the hobby completely, so I think being open, clear, and inviting is a definite positive to the likes of Aerosoft. Nobody does it better in my Fopinion.


Well said. Military guys usually understand multifaceted mission, leadership and management.



US Navy, Retired



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