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CRJ700 Cockpit Textures Mod

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4.7 From 19 reviews
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4 Screenshots

About This File

This will only work for the AEROSOFT STORE VERSION of the plane.


This will only work for the CRJ700 DEFAULT LIVERIES.


INSTALL: Place unzipped " CRJ-textures-mod " folder into your Community folder. Install optional windows mod for dirty windows (the best windows) :) Default is clean.


This is a completely repainted cockpit model using Substance Painter. Real life images were used as references. All images are 4K and the highest quality possible in the sim. 


This mod was APPROVED by Aerosoft for exclusive upload on this forum only. 


If I get the Microsoft store version then maybe I could make it compatible with that version. For now, Aerosoft Store version only


Many hours were spent making this one for you all. Enjoy!


-MoreRightRudder + tyler58546

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Clement Dostie

   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

image.thumb.png.5408811e1ce50dbb2bcbfaa72e7b2f65.pngIt's work good for me, my version is buyed at Store .image.thumb.png.5408811e1ce50dbb2bcbfaa72e7b2f65.png

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Looks great! Much more immersive, loving it! 


I've only used it with the default liveries for now, but looking at the files it shouldn't be to difficult to also use it with custom liveries, right?

Response from the author:

Depends. Aerosoft has custom models and a mainpanel texture assigned to every default livery. If your custom livery has its own model and or own mainpanel texture, then when using it alongside this mod, you will not get the custom glass dust (models) and your main panel will be a default texture with everything else shown in the cockpit coming from the mod. Otherwise, if your custom livery has no model or mainpanel associated with it, then it will work with this mod. Thanks for asking and glad you enjoy it!



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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

SOOOOOO GOOD. A must have for the Aerosoft crj.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

superb realization but not easy to read the instruments.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Realistic and high res, love it! The Holiday Inn pen was a nice touch lol

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Hello, what a fantastic mod! Only problem I have is, the screens seem much darker now, don't know what's up with that. Even at full brightness. But nevertheless, great textures

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Dmitry Kuranov

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I tried to copy files in Microsoft Store version of plane, and it works for me!

Nice work! 

Response from the author:

Good to know thanks for trying! Enjoy



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Evan Gamer24

   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

Wish I could use it, but I have the marketplace version. Please make it work with the marketplace version!!!!!

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Todd Mullins


It looks really cool, I like the worn in look on the throttle quadrant, it really makes it look like this plane had several miles in her. Sadly, I was super pumped when the CRJ was released and took advantage of the purchase at the MSFS Store opposed to the Website. Of course, it just seems more streamlined at the time.  Cheers 

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Works for me with the steam version! Any chance you could do this for the -900 as well?

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Excellent work, the wear and tear is so real, it really like the rainbow stain on the windshield and the paint peeled off from the throttle, the overall faded paint on the dash make the cockpit more realistic, not like the aircraft just reel out from the show room. Thank you

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Instructions on the installation process for the downloaded file?


What is the Community Folder?


Many thanks!



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Very well done! It really makes it seem like my CRJ had an interesting life even before I purchased it. Seems to work fine for the Microsoft Store version. Thank you for sharing your work. 

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Fantastic work ! I'd like it a little bit less dirty though, specially on the main panel

Response from the author:

Thanks, you can replace the main panels with the default one. Simply copy the " CRJ_VC_MAINPNL_ALBEDO.PNG.DDS " from each livery texture folder found in the regular CRJ folder, into each respective folder within the mod folder structure. So you are making the mod use the default ones. 


Each main panel image has the registration on the texture. So you'll have to do each one if you fly them. 



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