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FreeTrack v2.1 Available!


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WOW! This is a great program. I am using a Logitech webcam, so the settings would always go back to default or change. But now with v2.1, it allows for a person to disable/freeze the webcam settings so you can control everything from FreeTrack.

I got to fly for the first time using it in FSX last night and I have to say, even with it not fine tuned to my preferences, it was very enjoyable. It frees up the finger doing all the view panning with the HAT switch, so now I can just look up to see if I'm in a good location inside a thermal.

But like you said Funky, there is a learning curve. But that's nothing compared to the experience of actually feeling like you're in the cockpit. GREAT! GREAT program! And to think it only cost me $26 and a webcam.


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Yes, indeed, the new version is much better than the previous one. I think it comes from using the native view interface, rather than the virutal joystick solution, and the smoothing is much better.

Still, after an hour I got quite some pain in my neck, because I use to sit in a pretty cramped position to keep the view stable.



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