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Need help troubleshooting the IRIS-F14 Tomcat

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Long story short, I went on a mod download bender, and tested hundreds of planes to create my catalog. At first the IRIS F-14 worked fine, I downloaded the Grumman F14 which is also a Dino model. I downloaded the Eurofighter by IRIS as well, and decided to jump into the DC designs F15 and noticed the lights and hud wouldnt turn on, werid, jumped in the eurofighter same thing, jumped in aerosoft F16 same thing, no hud or monitors (MFDs) displaying. 

Delete, redownload eurofighter, try to recreate, but nothing, all other planes back to normal, EXCEPT the IRIS F-14 tomcat. Which would not display HUD, cabin lights, panel lights, exterior lights, or MFDs (monitors). Okay, so I say you know if I can just swap the interior and/or panels of the Grumman with the IRIS F-14 I'd settle and be happy, nbd. Which is where I need help. 


STEPS taken so far:

1) not skilled enough to solve the issue out right (no hud, no MFDs, no cabin lights, no panel lights). 

- Description: When I press L or shift-L the panel lights and/or cabin lights will flicker on for a second and immediately turn back off, like an electrical short. Hud and MFDs completely unresponsive. 

2) Swapped model.cfg of the Grumman F14 interior file into the IRIS F14, swapped code. Transferred all panel textures and panel

- Results: no interior loaded at all, apparently I can't swap interiors with different exteriors? I assumed since they were both Dino models it might work. 

3) Reverted original model.cfg files of the IRIS F14, BUT kept the panel.cfg of the Grumman F14


-- Adopted the cabin light, exterior lights of the Grumman F14, but kept the red panel lights.. turned out awesome looking TBH

- Results: The afterburner effect now turn on when I press "L" for lights 😂 (just visually not sound or thrust)

-- Afterburners do NOT turn on when throttle threshold is achieved... but will if I press L

- Results: When I flip the Hud, MFDs they now respond, BUT have place holder white box for the HUD, and place holder black boxes for the MFDs... but at least they respond.


Day 1 Conclusion:

I am stoked I made progress getting the cabin lights to work (and adopted some cool colors in the process). 


Possible Solutions/Outcomes (what I need help with):

Option 1:

- since I have placeholders for the Hud and MFDs, its almost as if the original HUD, MFD files for the IRIS are missing, but other than downloading other mod planes, I never altered the IRIS file. 

-- Replace the HUD and MFDs with new HUDs and MFDs and fix afterburner effect turning on with "L" key

--- I believe this is the easiest solution? I know people have put the F18 mod hud in the F14

--- Same with MFDs, I have seen people put GX1000s, beechcraft or boeing MFDs in other planes

Option 2: 

- Complete the conversion of the IRIS F14 to the cockpit OR HUD/MFDs (see option 1).

-- I believe it is possible to do a full cockpit swap? or should I just focus on panel swap (option 1)?

----- both cockpits have awesome features, I believe the TACAN works in the Grumman, and with mods works with things like aircraft carriers (glass half full if I can just do a swap). 

Option 3: 

- Somehow, someway identify the corrupted file, or rediscover what I am missing? I know for the IRIS- F14, the the panel files are in a cabinet or .cab file. In the Grumman they are individual tiles and textures. Also, I need to fix the afterburners.... 

-- Redownloading definitely did not help... 

Option 4: Live with no Hud/MFDs, or delete the plane and move on.

-- At the end of the day when I began modding, I only really wanted the Aerosoft F16, I managed to acquire it along with several top notch add ons. Just be happy with what you got. 

--- In fact, I failed to find two planes in total the F-15 by milviz (well I found it.... but), and the mudhen F15 by iris. So it happens... the F14 does feel a little bird in the hand because it was fully functional when I first downloaded it and it is really well done. The cache 22 is if I would have been around to download these planes in the first place I wouldve cost a lot of money, I am lucky so much payware went freeware to begin with. 


Please let me know if anybody has a next step I could take, I sincerely appreciate it. 



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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Daniel, the Aerosoft Forum is not a general forum about flightsimulation.

it is for people using addons bought from or developed by Aerosoft.

Better use public Forums depending on the Simulator or contact the dev of the addon you are using.

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