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Pitch trim does not work. Or at least it does not correct the attitude of the plane.


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Every time I am in the descent and approach, at the time of activating the approach phase, the plane goes down to a speed of 220 knots as it is configured, the problem is that immediately after this the pitch angle of the plane rises up to 15 ° which gives me the feeling that the plane is at stall speed and a very inclined approach,  unprofessional, and clearly proof that something is not right.

I have the doubt if the problem is due to a bad configuration of MCDU or a bad configuration of the flight controls, such as the Pitch Trim. I am not an expert flying the a320 and I try to learn on my own so I am not sure if the trim should change position during the flight or if it can stay in the take-off position which in this case would be 0.8 or 0.3

Thanks :)

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I have already reviewed and repeated the manual step by step and at no time does it appear that the attitude of the plane should be so high. How can I correct it in flight?

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