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Honeycomb Bravo and Alpha help

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Hello everyone, I know maybe this will be super simple but between work, family and life I cannot get this straight, sorry

I was able to download yesterday the honeycomb tool for my xplane 12 and probably added the zibo 737 profile  from the forums here, but my question is what I do next, I have to still go into xplane 12 and set all my controls? i did some but none of the buttons work still so again Im completely lost, can anyone please take the time to explain me the steps on what to do? thanks for any help

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  • Aerosoft



You need to : 

1 - Assign the AXES ONLY in Xplane (the Honeycomb Configurator does NOT handle the axes)
2 - In the Honeycomb Configurator, load your profile 

3 - Activate the said profile in the Honeycomb Configurator.

That's it.

Bottom line is :
- In Xplane Axes ONLY
- In the Configurator : Buttons ONLY

Make sure no button is assigned in Xplane while already assigned in the profile loaded, otherwise you will have conflicts 
difficult to track.

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