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Basic flying principles during climb to altitude

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  • Verified Developer

Some of you have faced issues with insufficient climb performance. There are two issues explained in threads which are icing / using  AI and not visual spoiler deployment after using ESC.

The following is intended to explain normal climb procedures.


From a principal point of view, there are two modes you can fly the aircraft up to its altutude capacity. The aircraft can be flown with VS and SPD mode. Typical VS is used up to FL100 to easier match restriction/targets and ease passenger comford.

Passing FL100 you can switch to SPD, dial in 250 or 290 and the aircraft will stay or pitch down to accellerate and then switch over to mach 0.74 higher up. You may use also 0.77, if you do not intend to go above FL320, especially when heavy.


Any airline will prescribe in its Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) how the pilots have to fly it, which is taking routes, typical weather and loads into consideration.


As the CRJ has not autothrottle, the possible risk of becoming too slow is eminent with VS climb. But SPD mode also has its limits very high up when the air is thin, small pitch changes (the tool to manage speed for the AP) have a strong impact on climb rate and very delayed reactions on speed. That is when a very shallow VS of 500 FPM (300 FPM would be defined as maximum altitude capacity) is a good option, especially in windy conditions. As good pilots, you don't want to fly the aircraft at its limits!


Foremost, the CRJ is designed as a Regional Jet with very good climb performance at low altitudes (it's typical domain) and limits at high altitude as they are barely needed in 1-2 hrs flights. That is why it does not perform well high up, especially when heavy.


If you realise, that it cannot hold a steady 500 fpm climb, it is time to level off and tell ATC you have reached CLB limitation. Nothing wrong with that, weather and temperature or flying close to MTOW may be the reason for it. Can happen!

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