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Flight Plan Legs management

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as usually thanks to developers for CRJ, very nice plane.

I need a clarification regarding flightplan:
As per attached image my flightplan (Simbrief created) has a SID with TO point KOVAS and first waypoint DIRECT KOVAS.
Also I have two KOVAS in TO column in FMC.
The question is: I have to DELETE the DIRECT KOVAS line or not ?
Thanks for suggestion.

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It's a bit strange, but I don't have experience with SB plans.

But it seems you have SID, then KOVAS as SID ending point, then Q125 to UREXE. So, I'd go to LEGS page, and probably I'd see some positions for SID procedure with KOVAS, then KOVAS again, then probably DEXUL (it's on Q125 to UREXE). Then you can just delete second KOVAS, you will have discontinuity there, and copy DEXUL (hit left key next to it) and paste it to discontinuity line. So in the end you'd have: SID points, KOVAS, DEXUL... next waypoints..

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47 minutes ago, pawel-d said:

È un po 'strano, ma non ho esperienza con i piani di Sai Baba.

Ma sembra che tu abbia SID, quindi KOVAS come punto finale SID, quindi Q125 a UREXE. Quindi, andrei alla pagina LEGS, e probabilmente vedrei alcune posizioni per la procedura SID con KOVAS, poi di nuovo KOVAS, poi probabilmente DEXUL (è da Q125 a UREXE). Quindi puoi semplicemente eliminare il secondo KOVAS, avrai discontinuità lì e copiare DEXUL (premi il tasto sinistro accanto ad esso) e incollarlo sulla riga di discontinuità. Quindi alla fine avresti: punti SID, KOVAS, DEXUL ... prossimi waypoint ..

Thank you


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