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How to use the TCA Throttle with Aerosoft CRJ 550/700


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5 minutes ago, wereiche said:

Hello, I use the TCA Throttle  Quadrant with aa-on, tried to calibrate the throttle, but it doesntb work. The throttle levers do not move in the cockpit and also not in the EFB. Speedbrake and gear work, landing flaps only 0 and full.

Who can help?

1 - Axes assignments in Flight Simulator : 
     Do NOT use THROTTLE 1 AXIS (0 TO100%) and THROTTLE 2 AXIS (0 TO100%)
      Use instead  THROTTLE 1 AXIS and THROTTLE 2 AXIS

2 - Make sure that no other control has any axis still assigned to any trottle function.
      (Such as default assignments of yoke, rudder, interface boxes...)

4 - Calibrate you controller in the Windows joystick utility first.


5 - As for the flaps, they don't interface with an axis (such as a lever) but with inputs(buttons)
You need to assign two buttons to "INCREASE FLAPS" and "DECREASE FLAPS" functions.

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I have the same problem. The throttle does not move visibly. In addition, the EFB does not recognize the throttle at all.
Thanks for the tip. Will try it out.
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On 2/16/2021 at 7:42 PM, SimWare said:

How to use the TCA Throttle with Aerosoft CRJ 550/700
This tutorial shows how to configure the Thrustmaster TCA throttle quadrant with the Aerosoft CRJ’s for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

This is an easy setup thanks to the CRJ’s built –in configuration utility.
Moreover, this utility is directly accessible from within the Electronic Flight Bag  (EFB) of the aircraft.
No need to go back to the Windows desktop or menu.


We assume you have successfully installed the CRJ addon.


In Flight Simulator, go to OPTIONS -> CONTROLS,
go to POWER MANAGEMENT -> THROTTLE, assign the Honeycomb Bravo levers to THROTTLE 1 AXIS and THROTTLE 2 AXIS.
Check the REVERSE AXIS box.

Note that the REVERSE AXIS box has nothing to do with the reversers

but is only a signal polarity inversion needed with some devices.


Do NOT use THROTTLE 1 AXIS (0 TO100%) and


Start a flight with a CRJ.

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Note that the Electronic Flight bag on the left is OFF

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Start the EFB (Video)

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Once the EFB is started, click the “OPTIONS” tab

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Click “Calibrate Throttle”

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Once in the calibration screen, make sure the Type and Reverser parameters are
checked like below :

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Calibrate the throttles.
The system is really simple. Just move the TCA levers to each detent then click the “SET” buttons
next to the corresponding detent in the EFB utility. (Video)

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This is it !
Check in Flight Simulator that the levers move along with the TCA ones. (Video)

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THE TOPIC IS HOW TO USE TCA THROTTLE and not honey comb Throttle !!!!!

How the heck i am going to find the nice bravo quadrant throtlle profile  on FS controls page when I do not have one, since I have a TCA???????

And yes the TCA does only have to 100% throttle axis, not other options


I am looking with disgust and disbelief that Aerosoft is encouraging Bravo throttle for commercial reasons I assume. I have paid 50 Dollars for this shit

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I have an issue guys, coud someone help me with it?


When I increase power in my TCA Quadrant, the engines loose power (instead of increasing it) for 2-3 seconds, and THEN they increase the power.

This is quite dangerous, since on final I have been very close to stalling the plane due to that loss of power of a few seconds.

Have I done something wrong? I followed the previous guide and for the rest the plane flies just fine.

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Having issues with the TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition, I contacted the support and they told me to come to this page, I already tried to do everything that is here and nothing works for me, the engines do not bother to move, it seems to me that Aerosoft owes us an update solving this problem.

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18 hours ago, noodles4186 said:

Hi, I have tried all of this but i am unable to use reverse on the controls page as it puts my numbers like this:

Max: -16384

TOGA: -15681

Climb: -13821

Idle: 0

Rev Max: 16384


If i take the reverse tick off the control settings it goes like this 

Max: 16384

Toga: 0

Climb: -13851


Rev Max: -16384


Has someone else having this issue?

I was able to solve this in my sim. I had the same figures and struggled with this for over an hour last night. The correct cofig is the latter with Max at 16384 and Rev Max at -16384. My detent numbers matched yours almost exactly (which means you calibrated your hardware correctly to fly the bus, so good job!). The issue here is that the Idle and RevMax detents overlap each other with the sensitivity buffer on the calibration tool (default buffer is 1000). Here’s what you need to do to fix it:


1. Set the Idle/Rev sensitivity buffer manually to 200. This is hard, you have to manually force it down past 500 in increments of 10.

2. Click ‘SET’ on the idle and rev max detents AFTER setting the sensitivity buffer at 200.

3. Click validate (should confirm no errors detected)

4. Save settings


Now the thrust levers should work correctly through their full range!

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11 hours ago, Capt Shark said:

So here's what worked for me. First, I had to reset my sensitivity settings in the sim. Then I loaded the CRJ and went in to the Options menu. These are the settings that worked for me. When I clicked Validate, there were not any conflictions. I'm still tweaking it though.  I did a take off and landing and although it had adequate speed at V1,and VR, the N1 didn't seem very high. Also, now my problem is the Flap settings. My keyboard freaks it out and then it locks at 30 and will not retract. Using the mouse works, but it is not precise and sometimes the flaps retract when I need to extend them.  Clearly I need more work on this, but otherwise it was quite nice.


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Anyone have issues use this.. Worked great and first time, jus create a new profile for the thrustmaster setting named CRJ and reset the sensitivity settings and away you go.

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Is it possible to fix the bug with the non working flaps at TCA quadrant??? They even work with every freeware aircraft - and you guys didn´t make it up to work with months of working at this title? thats really poor...

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Whenever I try to reassign the throttles from Engine 1 Throttle (0-100%) to Engine 1 Throttle I get the error "You are trying to assign an action to a device that is not selected." This is the case even though I have the TCA quadrant selected in the interface.


Has anyone seen this or does anyone know how to fix it?


I do have the TCA Quadrant flap/spoiler add-on but I got it after I got the quadrant. Not sure if that could have screwed up the controller profile in FS2020. Not sure how I could reset it, if that is the case. I tried reinstalling the whole simulator and it did not help.


Any ideas would be appreciated as I am at a loss.

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17 hours ago, rdc17 said:

My throttles are inverted. I pull back to reverse and I get max thrust. Push the levers forward and my reversers deploy.........

Check the "reverse axis" box in the control menu, below where you assigned them.

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Well I've tried everything.  Followed the instructions, watched the Youtube.  Nothing is working.  How can this not have been found in testing.  Sounds like another Brexit :)

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I have the same problem. Throttles are not moving at all after i calibration. I follow all the steps on the video and still no luck. The Bravo Throttle is not binding to the CRJ at all.

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18 hours ago, Quincey said:

Me too:

When calibrating in EFB, MAX POWER is -16384. Thrust Levers do not move. Seems, there is no connection between Thrustmaster and CRJ.

Hoping maybe by next update FS2020 will address this issue, cant get my thustlever to move at all! Works well on all other aircraft, also on the new Arrow. 

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1 hour ago, Jay 340 said:

Well after some searching i got it working at last,  here you go guys. 



Bro, nicely done!

I wish you made this before I spent hours figuring it out yesterday. Lol

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Just to let you know guys i did not make the video above,I was searching the internet and youtube when i came across this video.

So thanks to the guy who made the video.

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1 minute ago, Jay 340 said:

Just to let you know guys i did not make the video above,I was searching the internet and youtube when i came across this video.

So thanks to the guy who made the video.

LOL well thanks for sharing. The new guys will find this helpful.  For those that did it the hard way, just reflect on the hours you spent figuring it out and what you could've used that time for; like flying. :D


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Here is a little workaround for the flaps issue, try to set those values in the sensitivity options.
Its not perfect, but now it's at least possible to set every flap position with the TCA Quadrant Addon flap lever . (But they are not on the right lever positions, mostly between 0-3) ;) 

Hope Aerosoft will work on the TCA implementation - its very bad at the moment.


Not even the parking break work.
Managed to get it "a little bit" working by mapping "Parkbremse umschalten" (don't know what they used in english for this function) to Button 20. Its acting a little bit weird, but if you play a little with the lever the parking break will release and stay released.

Btw., I recommend to set CLIMB thrust to the position where TOGA would be. So TOGA and MAX is on the same position at the end.
You get two clicks for climb, which makes it easier to find a good thrust setting while flying. The middle position of climb would be around 250kt in cruise.

Hope this helps.

PS: What the heck Aerosoft, we need a working flap axis! This is essential. :( 

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Hi all, followed everything as above and also followed the video, but for some reason, my TCA Throttle Quarant is inversed. I get everything in opposite when calibrating the throttle. When following the steps above in the video, this is the readings I get from my throttle calibration 


MAX POWER: -16384 (same for both)

TOGA: -7505   //   -7130

CLIMB: -172   //    131

IDLE: 8359  //    8582

REV MAX: 16384 (same for both)


This is driving me crazy because either I am doing something really simple, wrong, or something is up with the calibration. 


Would appreciate any help greatly!!

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