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How to post an image in the forum

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Many of you are may be aware that the forums have gotten an update and in so doing the standardized way of posting images has changed a bit - BBCode will no longer work as it once used to.  There are many image hosting sites.  I personally prefer to use Flickr as it allows me several options for various projects.  However,  you will notice that the use of the following format [img] [/img] will no longer post your image
E.g.  [img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50576467207_0624cd3b9a_k.jpg[/img]  ---- Does not work

2.  Simply posting the link of the image may, or may not always work either.   In the case that it does not work there is another method that will be sure to work.

a.)  Posting the link, e.g:  https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50575596178_430f65daa9_k . jpg  will result in the following (I created a space between the period and the jpg to prevent the syntax from posting but I have posted the resulting image below

Please login to display this image.


b.)  The second option is to select the "OTHER MEDIA" tab at the bottom right and select "Insert image from URL".  This will allow you to post the link from a image hosting site.  One work of caution in so doing, be sure that the cursor is where you want the image to go if you are posting multiple images.

Please login to display this image.

Please login to display this image.


Please login to display this image.


Hope this is some help, as I learn more I'll add if needed.




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