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I have a question about the FIX INFO PAGE: Are there any restriction about the values of the radial?

E.g. for EDDM08R  the values 208 Grad till 80 Grad are not accepted.

Another question is:

For EDDM08R there is a FIX INFO PAGE but for LOWI26 there is no FIX INFO PAGE?

I use version 131. A318 - A320 are installed as administrator. Navigraph 1501.



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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Thank you for opening a new topic. I already gave you the answers to your questions in the other thread but I will test the problems you have and ask the dev what the problem could be.

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Hi Frank;

you told me: "If the problem still occures then post it in a new topic please (because you are hijacking this one) and we will forward it to the dev."

That is what I did.



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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Yes Gerhard, thank you for reporting this issue. We can partly reconstruct this error. It does not always happen but the radial function of the Fix page must be looked at again by the dev. We had some problems with this in the past and it seems that for some these problems are back again.

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Maybe it may help analyze this issue, maybe not, but I just wanted to mention that I often found not being able to enter a radial when the fix is pretty close to my destination airport and is more or less lines up with the runway I want to land on. Then, if I try to enter a radial that is roughly on course (or reciprocal) with the runway, it just won't accept it.

Typically, that occurs when trying to enter some radials to get lines on the ND for aiding with missed approaches and holdings.

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