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Posts posted by mozart

  1. Look for a any files that contain the word stat in them and disable it and see if the objects have gone when you load it up next time.

    I already did that, because that is what I usually do with any scenery. Trouble with this one is that there is no file with the word "stat" or similar in it. Rather all files are numbered like ELLX-02b, ELLX-08a, etc. Not very conclusive.

    The manual - which I of course read - says to use the configurator. But the configurator does not let me select Luxembourg.

    So what can I do? I really need those parking spots at the cargo centre for my AI traffic!

  2. I haven't used these sceneruies/products in ages and I was wondering whether they can be used together. In which order do I need to install them? Any other modifications that I need to make?

    Plus a more specific question: Wrangell PAWG as well as Telegraph Creek CBM5 are included in both Freight Dogs and Tongass Fjords, and Stewart CZST is included in both Freight Dogs and Misty Fjords - are they the same? Or is one more developed/detailed than the other?

    This is for the FS9 version of the Aerosoft products and the freeware Glacier Bay.

    Thanks for any information

  3. Just bought the FS9 version of PANC (finally!!!! I've been waiting for Anchorage for maaaany years).

    Since I am a bit pedantic with airline assignments to AFCAD gates, here's a question to all that know PANC well.

    I have a whole lot of small airlines that come into ANC and I am not sure where they park, ie which apron/gate/stand:

    • Alaska Central?
    • Conoco Phillips (the oil shuttle to the North Shore)?
    • Desertair with their DC3?
    • Everts Air Cargo?
    • Iliamna Air Taxi?
    • Lynden Air Cargo (there is an assignment in the AFCAD - but is that correct?)
    • Transnorthern (again, there is an assignment in the AFCAD - but is that correct?)
    • Northern Air Cargo (I think the one in the AFCAD is correct)

    Also the commuter gates (A and L gates) - do Era, Penair, and Grant just park all over the place mixed with each other? Or is there a series of several stands that re-groups all Era flights, another series that groups all Penair, etc?

    Also: some cargo airlines have more than one plane on the ground at PANC at any given moment. I know that all the FDX and UPS planes are grouped in the North Cargo area, the AFCAD has that correct. But what about for instance Korean or Cathay or China Airlines - when they have several planes on the ground at the same time, do they stand next to each other or is their parking random? More than that, is there a patterns which stands are used by which cargo heavies?

    And what about those stands on the Northern cargo apron that have NWAC assigned to them - hasn't Delta phased out all the old NWA cargo jumbos? So which airline uses those gates?

    Lastly: which airlines/planes park on the Southern end of the airport, i.e. South of the runways?

    Thanks a lot. That will help me to perfectionate the AFCAD!

  4. I want to change the AFCAD file for Keflavik in FS9.

    Two questions:

    1. Can I use AFCAD by Lee or do I need to use AFX or ADE?
    2. Can I create the AFCAD in a different folder or do I have to modify the one that is in the aerosoft/Keflavik/scenery folder? If I create an AFCAD file in a different folder, do I have to take out the one from the aerosoft/Keflavik/scenery folder?


  5. Phantastic!! I am really happy this is making progress.

    Since I know that I'll be probably be modifying the AFCAD to change airline assignments, can anyone who knows PANC locally give us some ideas whether there is a "repeated pattern" of where cargo airlines park? I know that Fedex and UPS have their "designated" stands towards the North, but how about the other cargo users of PANC? Cathay, JAL, KAL, EVA, China Airlines, etc.?

    All over the place or typically at the same stands?

  6. Some time ago there was an announcement about Anchorage and Faribanks being developed. I believe "sub-contractred" to simwings, but published by Aerosoft.

    The sim-wings forum is quite dead these days, so I venture to ask the question here. What ever happened to the projects for theses airports? A first release date that had been indicated was last year in summer...

    Thanks for any hint

  7. Ich meine zu wissen dass die ANC und FAI-Szenerie(n) von Simwings erstellt und von Aerosoft publiziert wird. Leider habe ich aber keine Ahnung, wie weit das Projekt gediehen ist. Auf dem Simwings-Forum habe ich geschaut, da blieb die Frage aber leider aber ohne Antwort.

    Vielleicht weiss man hier mehr? Ursprünglich war die Veröffentlichung ja mal für diesen Sommer (=den jetzt vorbeigegangenen) vorgesehen gewesen.

    Wer weiss mehr?

  8. Ich habe die deutsche Version von FS9. Auf einmal hat es einige Tastenbelegungen zerhauen, keine Ahnung warum. Die meisten konnte ich wieder zuordnen, aber eine nicht: den Befehl zum öffnen und schliessen der Türen. Das geht default-mässig mit SHIFT+E. Dummerweise gibt's im Menü Optionen-Steuerungen-Zuordnungen aber keinen Befehl "Türen öffnen" dem ich SHIFT+E zuordnen kann.

    Oder doch? Welches ist der Befehl dem ich diese Tastenkombination zuordnen kann?

    Danke für Tips

  9. Wonderful pictures of a wonderful scenery! Thanks for enriching our skies.

    However, as fellow BCN-insiders have certainly realized as well: many planes park at the "wrong" gate ("wrong" as in: there are no assigned gates, but there are patterns of IB Shuttle flights always going to one set of gates, of VY always using a certain set of gates, the Star carriers, etc). If help is needed in terms of which airline parks where I am happy to help out or even program the airline assignments in AFCAD.

  10. Hallo zusammen.

    Auch von mir Glückwünsche zu dieser tollen Szenerie, insbesondere aber vielen Dank für die Umsetzung in FS9. So kann ich jetzt endlich den Airport anfliegen, der jeden Tag auf dem Weg zu meiner Arbeit liegt. :-)

    Noch eine Frage zu dem Traffic... Hat jemand noch das WOAI-Paket von Luxair und könnte es mir per E-Mail zur Verfügung stellen? Wäre prima!



    kannst Du runterladen bei flightsim.COM und Avsim. Aber: das sind noch die alten Luxair-Farben, in denen inzwischen nur noch die einzige verbleibende B735 fliegt.

    Was ich gemacht habe: die repaints in den neuen Farben (Piori ist glaube ich der Kunstler) von Avsim runtergeladen und den WoAI-Flugplan dann mit diesen neuen Fliegern versehen. Ist realistischer, und die neuen Farben schauen besser aus.


  11. So, und jetzt mal eine Frage an alle LUX-Spezialisten, vor allem die Spotter.

    Ich bin ein AFCAD-Perfektionist in Bezug auf "wer parkt wo" und werde daher auch bei diesem Produkt erst das AFCAD für meine Bedurfnisse etwas anpassen. Das ist keine Kritik an den Entwicklern - nie im Leben! ELLX schaut fantastisch aus! - aber ich bin nun einmal ein wenig manisch. Insofern:

    1. Welche Cargo Airlines parken nicht am P7 (Luxair Cargo Center, da wo Cargolux immer steht) sondern auf P2/P3? Ich habe da in der Vergangenheit schon China Airlines Cargo und Saudi-Arabian Cargo gesehen, aber welche anderen nutzen P2 und P3?

    2. Werden die Gates mit Fluggastbrücken am Terminalgebäude wirklich nur von Luxair benutzt? Es kommen doch auch andere Gesellschaften mit Jets in dieser Grössenordnung nach LUX, zb TAP. Gehen die nicht an die Brücken?

    3. Wie schaut es mit den Gates am Terminal ab aus? Nur Luxair? Nur das kleine Gerät (ERJs, Dash 8s)? Oder auch die anderen mit ihrem Kleinzeugs (zB KLM solange sie noch mit

    F50 fliegen?

    4. Wo geht die Swiss mit ihren Avros hin? Vorfeld oder Finger?

    Vielen Dank für Infos - und nochmals vielen Dank an Christoph und das ganze Team für die gelungene Szenerie! Bravo!

  12. And what I forgot to ask: does someone have an overview of cargo airlines that go to Luxembourg, and whether they use the Luxair/Cargolux Cargo Terminal or the parking to the West of the passenger terminal?

    The ones I know of:

    • Cargolux, B747-400F, with services all over the world of course
    • Korean Air, B747-400F, destination?
    • China Airlines, B747-400F, destination?

      But what about

      • MK Airlines?
      • Yangtze River?
      • Jade?
      • Great Wall?
      • EVA?
      • Others?
  13. This is EXCELLENT news!!! Luxembourg in such high quality - I've been dreaming about this since I started simming more than ten years ago.

    I remember how I got my first Sim (FS98), took a plane at brussels and then flew towards Luxembourg. Accoding to the coordinates I was above it, and I showed it to a friend who lived there: "look, isn#t my sim great, we are right over Luxembourg". There was nothing, just bland landscape. Could have been Japan or the Pampa or Minnesota. How the world has changed...

    Out of all the airports I would die for, only one remains to be done at some level of quality: Anchorage. All others exist in superb or at least acceptable quality, or they are merely on my "I would love to have it, but wouldn't die for it"-list (Houston IAH, DFW, Doha, Shanghai PVG, Beijing Capital for instance), or they would be "nice to haves" that I would buy when they came out, but I wouldn't miss them if they didn't.

    In any case, sorry for the off topic, and thanks for making LUX for FS

  14. ist mit einer Entscheidung nicht vor Dezember zu rechnen.

    Solange müsst Ihr Euch gedulden!

    Klar, kein Problem. Wollte durch mein Post nur signalisieren, dass die Gruppe der "stillen Hoffer" (=die Leute, die sich nicht äussern, aber dann doch froh sind wenn es für FS9 kommt) sehr gross ist.

    Daran ändern auch verschiedenen Emails nichts. Drohungen / Beschimpfungen das andere Designer in der Lage seien solche Projekte für beide FS umzusetzen, interessieren mich nicht und werden mit Nichtreaktion bestraft :P

    Wie bitte? So etwas gibt's? Mann oh Mann, totale Verrohung der Sitten... Gehen solche Leute auch zu Kaufhof und pflaumen da die Bedienung an, wenn ein bestimmtes Produkt einfach nicht existiert ("Wie bitte? Sie haben keine Jeans mit drei Hosenbeinen?")?

    Gut, dass Du Dich davon nicht beeindrucken lässt - hoffentlich auch nicht im "Schlechten" (=Abstand nehmen von der FS9-Realisierung weil die Befürworter schlecht erzogen sind).

    Wir warten und freuen uns auf Nachrichten von Dir. In der Zwischenzeit herzlichen Glückwunsch zur FSX-Umsetzung, die Bilder sehen klasse aus. Ich "finde mich dort wieder".

  15. Hallo Christoph

    ich schreibe so gut wir nie in Foren, umso mehr Gewicht hat mein Beitrag hoffentlich.

    Ich möchte mich der Reihe der FS9-Wünscher anschliessen. Ich bin auch noch nicht auf FSX umgestiegen, zu viele Szenerien und Flugzeuge funktionieren nicht in FSX. Auch mir würden einigermassen realistische Flughafengebäude reichen. Klar, wenn Du es besonders beeindruckend machen willst, kannst Du auch meine Schule auf dem Kirchberg einbauen, auf die ich gegangen bin und von wo man immer die landenden Flieger sehen konnte ;-)

    Luxemburg gehört neben Anchorage, Peking und Singapur zu den sehr wenigen Flughäfen, die ich nie anfliege, weil es keine gescheite Szenerie für FS9 gibt. Ansonst ist die Welt im Flusi ja inzwischen schön abgebildet, sogar kleine Flughäfen in Indonesien, Bolivien oder Tajikistan gibt's. Nur LUX fehlt!

    Ich verstehe Deine Vorsicht und finde es sehr weise von Dir, dass Du gegenüber den Leuten mit überzogenen Erwartungen die Sachen ins richtige Licht rückst. Aber viele, so wie ich, würden sich ja schon mit weniger zufrieden geben.

    Wen muss ich eigentlich bestechen, damit LUX noch in FS9 umgesetzt wird (grins)? Gehen die Einkünfte aus Bestechung an Dich oder Aerosoft??


  16. Aerosoft has started the nasty habit to release some really attractive sceneries only for FSX. That African thing, Tahiti X, now Maldives coming up...

    I do own a copy of FSX, wihch so far I have refused to install because I felt that the choice of planes and scenery was still so much larger for FS9. I don't care for some different landscape details, my addons (mesh, UT and all the others) give me sufficient satisfaction.

    Now I was wondering whether it would be an idea to install FSX solely for flights within those regions (I love island hopping) and to continue using FS9 for all my other flying all over the world. Which brings up some questions, which I hope someone can answer.

    I run my FS on a laptop, Intel Core2 Duo T9400 (2.53 GHz, 1066 MHz, 6MB L2 cache), 1791 MB NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT, 4 GB DDR2

    • Will my FS9 be impacted by having FSX sitting on the same machine? My FS9 is stuffed to the limit with add-ons: VERY heavy AI, Ultimate Terrain, mesh, Active Sky weather, complex planes (PMDG, Level D, Wilco/Feelthere, etc), add-on airports (Imagine Sim, FlyTampa, Aerosoft, etc). My system is running smooth so far, just afraid of hitting FS9 by having FSX sit on the same machine. I don't know why it would, but just asking to make sure there's no nasty surprise
    • Will my computer specs be sufficient to run FSX for Tahiti X and Male X? I guess I won't run much else in terms of add-on, other than of course the actual planes (something like the Beaver X or the FS1 ATR) and Active Sky.
    • Will my AI planes work in FSX? I am a freak for realistic AI. Now, in Tahiti and the Maldives only the main airports see some amount of substantial AI traffic, the rest being primarily local commuter planes. But can I just copy my current AI planes that I need for those main airports?
    • Are the any "MUST HAVE" add-ons for FSX that I should consider adding to that FSX installation should I decide to do it?

    Thanks for any opinions and hints.

  17. Excellent!

    What I'd really like to see:


    • Have possibility to assign not only airline, but also destination airport or airport ranges to a gate. For instance, at LFPG (Paris CDG), it's not good enough to assign "AFR" to all gates at Terminals 2C, 2D, 2E and 2F. I want all flights to destinations starting with code "Kxxx" to go from Terminal 2E. Flights to destinations coded "EGxx" from 2E. And flight to "OLBA" from 2F. In other words: destination ICAO codes should be used, so that not only entry of one specific destination ("OLBA") is possible, but also of entire countries or continents ("EGxx", "Fxxx")
    • Have AFCAD understand that some runways can only be used from one side. For instance, at Lukla departures go TO the valley and arrivals come FROM the valley. Which means the departure and arrival runway headings are opposite. Today AFCAD (and ATC) do not allow that
    • Have possibility to "reserve" arrival gate or range of arrival gates at destination airport already before departure. For instance, when flying LFPG-OLBA on Air France, I want to make sure I get Gate 23 when I arrive. Or: when flying from EGLL to EDDM, I want to arrive at Terminal 2 in EDDM. AFCAD/ATC should reserve one gate with the right size at EDDM Terminal 2 for me.
    • Size of gates: do not only maximum size of aircraft, but also minimum size. For instance, it's OK to have gates at Terminal B sized large enough for 747s. But then, I do not want any planes smaller than A330 to use these gates. It looks silly to have a Dash8 parked in the middle of heavies at a Terminal used only for heavies.
    • Have AI traffic take off from several runway entries. Smaller planes should not require the whole runway length
    • Have AI planes distributed to all available departure runways evenly. Today, only the closest runway gets chosen
    • Allow for free selection of runways without creating "Virtual runways" like today.
    • Allow for one-way taxiways


    • SIDs and STARs should be updateable by some download every month and correspond to the latest AIRAC
    • Differentiate transition altitude by airport, not the standard "18'000" everywhere.
    • Have a possibility to ask ATC for current barometer setting.
    • Have an explicit possibility to "recommence an interrupted flightplan". I.e., today when I am flying KJFK-EGLL and I do not confirm a handover, the flightplan is closed with ATC. If I want to take it up again in flight, I have to re-load it and hope that ATC doesn't assigne me a heading that sends me back to the original departure airport. I would like a possibility to continue that "closed" flightplan.
    • If at all possible, have ATC take into consideration terrain. It doesn't make much sense being assigned approach vectors that make me go through a mountain.
    • Have ATC assign speed
    • Allow for ATC to work in meters and kilometers/hour over those countries that use it (e.g. Russia)
    • Have ATC with regional accents
    • Have ATC guide me around rough weather or turbulence zones
    • Use position reporting where it is realistic (parts of Africa without radar coverage)
    • Have background radio chatter in regional language in areas where this is the majority of ATC (South America Spanish, Brazil Portuguese, France French, RUssia Russian, etc.)
    • Have possibility to communicate with ATC using a microphone, not only my keyboard
    • Basically, take the guys from RadarNavigation on board. Their ATC has almost everything I wish for, it is only lacking the possibility to add and edit airline names

    That's all I can think of right now ;-)

  18. This is weird... THe route is planned in the FMC, the AP and its master is engaged, vertical modes (IAS hold, VS hold) and other lateral modes (HDG, VL) do work. But I can't seem to engage LNAV. I hear a klick and for a splitsecond the word LNAV appears in the HSI, but it doesn't engage.

    What am I missing?


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