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CumuluX cloud removal


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Hello All,

To kick things off, I am a massive CumulsX fan so I don't mean to offend!
I fly paragliders when the weather permits, which most weekends in the UK it doesn't so FSX, WinchX and CumulusX satisfy my soaring itch extremely well!

I have to say as much as I love the realistic lift generation, I'm really not a fan of the clouds....I have REX 4+Soft clouds installed with various FTX Addons which I have built up over a number of years and the CumulsX clouds just don't do it for me, they just look out of place.

I found that when I disabled the lift, I had lost the default thermals & birds etc too no matter how hot it was, or what season they just stopped working so ended up just using ridge lift only.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, can I run CumulsX without the clouds showing, I don't want to use REX clouds instead or anything just to have realistic thermals that are marked by birds or nothing rather than really basic clouds.

If not, is there a way to revert back to the default thermals with just the birds / shamanic's showing?
I am about to re install onto a new drive so it would be great to get this right.



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Hi Al,

you can deactivate CumulusX! generated clouds by ending FSX and going to this directory:


and delete the file "Sim.cfg". Then make a copy of the file "Sim.cfg.NoClouds" and rename it to "Sim.cfg". This prevents CumulusX! from showing it's own clouds, while keeping thermals active. Still display of birds in thermals is possible in licensed mode.

To reactivate FSX native thermals, go to <FSXROOT> and revert "ThermalDescriptions.xml.defunct" back to "ThermalDescriptions.xml" (see manual pages 6-6).

Then restart FSX.

It is not possible to let CumulusX! use replacement clouds of REX or other addons.

best regards,


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Hi Peter,

Thanks very much for the info.

Just to clarify:

I rename the "ThermalDescriptions.xml" to "ThermalDescriptions.xml.defunct" before CumulusX install?

Rather than deleting files, could I rename the "Sim.cfg" to "Sim.cfg.defunct" then copy "Sim.cfg.NoClouds" and rename to "Sim.cfg"?

If using the licensed version do the birds show as well as the clouds, if so I assume the above steps are still necessary.

Thanks again,


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Hi Al,

you may rename Sim.cfg to Sim.cfg.defunct, actually the original sim.cfg is the same as Sim.cfg.Clouds (which is its backup). I suggest the copy way of working to keep the orignal backups. Nevertheless you can re-extract them from the distribution archive anyway.

Display of the CumulusX!-birds is independent from the using the CumulusX!-clouds or not.

I recommend deactivating FSX' stock thermals (by renaming ThermalDescriptions.xml) because they don't align with any reasonable thermal characteristic. Their associated predator birds ("natural depiction") cut heavily in FPS and will not align with CumulusX! thermals anyway.



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