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Trouble with engines/throttles


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Let me just say, before anyone asks, I have followed the tutorial for the throttle setup.

I bought this product today A318/A319+A320/A321, and everything is working just up to engine start. When I start the engine (left or right), only N1 and fuel consumption increases. EPR stays at 0 (this for the IAE version), and N2 indicates XX. Judging by the sound and the N1 readings, the engine is running, but as I said, no other indications. When I try to increase the throttle, N1 immediately goes up to max, and I have to press F1 to go to idle again. The strange though is that the aircraft is not moving as if it's at full throttle, it just slowly moves forward.

My joystick is a old Microsoft Sidewinder (I've never had any problems with before), and I'm not using Fsuipc for calibration. I have tested the joystick in other airplanes, and it's functioning normal. I have also done a full uninstall/reinstall.

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This is a bug which is mentioned in several other posts. Install the hotfix 1.20b or wait for the next release which may arrive as soon as later today.

In my case the hotfix fixed the EPR indications but not the plane not moving, that is a separate issue. I was able to circumvent the second by setting my toe brake null zones to zero and recalibrating the toe brakes.

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Let me just say, before anyone asks, I have followed the tutorial for the throttle setup.

I bought this product today A318/A319+A320/A321, and everything is working just up to engine start. When I start the engine (left or right), only N1 and fuel consumption increases. EPR stays at 0 (this for the IAE version), and N2 indicates XX. Judging by the sound and the N1 readings, the engine is running, but as I said, no other indications. When I try to increase the throttle, N1 immediately goes up to max, and I have to press F1 to go to idle again. The strange though is that the aircraft is not moving as if it's at full throttle, it just slowly moves forward.

My joystick is a old Microsoft Sidewinder (I've never had any problems with before), and I'm not using Fsuipc for calibration. I have tested the joystick in other airplanes, and it's functioning normal. I have also done a full uninstall/reinstall.

I have the exact same problem and have sent a support ticket to Aerosoft. Still waiting for a reply. Everything was working before the update and I too am very familiar with the aircraft and the throttle set up. Its like the brakes are binding. My control inputs are being received by the sim as when I give an input the associated animations are working. I am not using fsupic and have an all Saitek setup. There is nothing wrong with my controls. I get the same problem with or without the hotfix.


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This is a bug which is mentioned in several other posts. Install the hotfix 1.20b or wait for the next release which may arrive as soon as later today.

In my case the hotfix fixed the EPR indications but not the plane not moving, that is a separate issue. I was able to circumvent the second by setting my toe brake null zones to zero and recalibrating the toe brakes.

Ok, thanks! I did do a search, but apparently I missed that hotfix. I will try it and report back.

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Further to my post above. the answers to your problems ( and mine ) are two fold.

1 install the hot fix

2 remove any null zones for your toe brakes in your control settings. By doing this my aircraft now work fine.

Thanks to amollen for the tip and I hope this helps



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