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Caiset LNav problem

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Hey guys,

Using Wolfgangs' ASW27 with Caiset.

The LNav will not display netto readings (shows x.x) all the time and the STF indicator shows pull all the time.

Can someone help with this? Searched hundreds of messages but can't seem to find an answer to this one.



BTW, I'm a RW glider pilot and want to use the LNav for training purposes.

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I can try and look into the problem for you. At the moment though, Max's CAISet Manual can be found in Wolfgang's "Tips and Tricks" section, under the Problem - FS shuts down when I switch on the GPS unit, if you haven't downloaded it yet. But I'm not sure if it will help with your problem. I myself just use the gauge for it's vario, but what I should do is sit down sometime and read/study what it can actually provide to my advantage. You may just be missing the aircrafts polars, but I'll look into it.


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Hello Iain! I believe at the moment that you have the wrong Polar selected for the aircraft you are flying, or maybe no polar at all. The sim will create one (LNAV_polar.dat) if you do not have one in the main folder, but I believe that has the wrong data in it. Which glider are you flying, can I ask? Maybe I can find you a polar for it, but don't quote me on that.


EDIT: Sorry, just noticed you are flying the ASW 27. I'll look into seeing if I can get a reasonable Polar for it if there isn't one made already.

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Hello again, Iain! After further testing and such, I've come to the conclusion that the LNAV_polar.dat that came with the glider is somehow corrupt. But if you have any experience with the FSZwever View 2 program, you can open up the LNAV_polarlist.dat and send that data to the polar from there, and that should work for you. If you have any questions, just ask, and I'm sure we can get you going, or at least in the right direction anyways. I'll be in and out tomorrow, but if you need help, I'll try to answer as soon as I'm available.


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